Palavras chave

aprendizagem, fosso digital, cultura digital, envelhecimento ativo, estimulação cognitiva, idosos, vida saudável


Uma sociedade «multi-idades» pressupõe desenhar e criar novos espaços de aprendizagem e comunicação, capazes de gerir a demanda existente por parte das pessoas mais velhas. Neste artigo, aborda-se a relação de pessoas idosas com as tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TICs) e, para isso, se propõem dois objetivos: o primeiro destina-se a conhecer os recursos tecnológicos que utilizam e, o segundo, a descrever objetivamente os tipos de uso que essas pessoas fazem das TICs. Para este artigo, utiliza-se a técnica da enquete cujos resultados são contrastados mediante grupos de discussão. No estudo, participaram 215 pessoas idosas usuárias das TICs e sete grupos de discussão, com cinco pessoas cada um. Os resultados encontrados indicam que os recursos que as pessoas idosas utilizam são os computadores e a internet, e o uso que fazem desses recursos foi agrupado em quatro grandes categorias: formação, informação, comunicação e entretenimento, não se encontrando diferenças significativas em função do gênero ou da idade e, sim, diferenças em relação à disponibilidade desses recursos para uso particular em função do nível de estudos.


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Citas em Web of Science

Agudo Prado, Susana; Fombona Cadavieco, Javier; Pascual Sevillano, Maria Angeles. Advantages of incorporating ICT in aging REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2013.

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Fombona Cadavieco, Javier; Pascual Sevillano, Ma. Angeles. Benefits of m-learning in higher education EDUCATIO SIGLO XXI, 2013.

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Hernando, Angel; Phillippi, Alejandra. The development of media competition in older people: a pending gap CHASQUI-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE COMUNICACION, 2013.

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Lorenzo Carrascosa, Laura. The technological challenge in aging societies ENCRUCIJADAS-REVISTA CRITICA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2014.

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Abad Alcala, Leopoldo. Media Literacy for Older People facing the Digital Divide: The e-Inclusion Programmes Design COMUNICAR, 2014.



Maria Ortega-Tudela, Juana; Ortiz-Colon, Ana Ma. Social networks and lifelong learning in older people REVISTA COMPLUTENSE DE EDUCACION, 2015.

Peral-Peral, Begona; Arenas-Gaitan, Jorge; Villarejo-Ramos, Angel-Francisco. From Digital Divide to Psycho-digital Divide: Elders and Online Social Networks COMUNICAR, 2015.

Llorente-Barroso, Carmen; Vinaras-Abad, Monica; Sanchez-Valle, Maria. Internet and the Elderly: Enhancing Active Ageing COMUNICAR, 2015.

Luna-Garcia, Huizilopoztli; Mendoza-Gonzalez, Ricardo; Alvarez-Rodriguez, Francisco-Javier. Design Patterns to Enhance Accessibility and Use of Social Applications for Older Adults COMUNICAR, 2015.

Ricoy, Maria Carmen; da Silva Couto, Maria Joao Valente. Digital mobile devices and skills to use in the "knowledge society" CONVERGENCIA-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2016.

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Teresa Padilla-Carmona, M.; Suarez-Ortega, Magdalena; Fe Sanchez-Garcia, Maria. Digital inclusion of mature students: Analysis of their attitudes and ICT competences REVISTA COMPLUTENSE DE EDUCACION, 2016.

Fan, Qingyun. Utilizing ICT to prevent loneliness and social isolation of the elderly. A literature review CUADERNOS DE TRABAJO SOCIAL, 2016.

Morales Romo, Noelia. The challenge of the digital divide and elderly in Spanish rural areas. The case of Castilla y Leon. FONSECA-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2016.

Rodriguez Andres, Roberto. Challenges of Political Communication 2.0 in an Ageing Society REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2016.

Rayen Condeza, Ana; Bastias, Gabriel; Valdivia, Gonzalo; Cheix, Consuelo; Barrios, Xinena; Rojas, Rodrigo; Galvez, Nyrna; Fernandez, Francisco. Elderly in Chile: a needs assessment approach for preventive health communication CUADERNOS INFO, 2016.

Feijoo Fernandez, Beatriz; Garcia-Gonzalez, Aurora. Senior university students and Facebook uses COMUNICACION Y HOMBRE, 2016.

del Pilar Diaz-Lopez, Ma; Lopez-Liria, Remedios; Aguilar-Parra, Jose M.; Padilla-Gongora, David. Keys to active ageing: new communication technologies and lifelong learning SPRINGERPLUS, 2016.

Diaz-Prieto, Cristina; Garcia-Sanchez, Jesus-Nicasio. Psychological profiles of older adult Web 2.0 tool users COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2016.

Meneses Fernandez, Maria Dolores; Santana Hernandez, Juana Dolores; Martin Gutierrez, Jorge; Henriquez Escuela, Maria Reyes; Rodriguez Fino, Eulalia. Using communication and visualization technologies with senior citizens to facilitate cultural access and self-improvement COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2017.

Abad Alcala, Leopoldo; Llorente-Barroso, Carmen; Sanchez-Valle, Maria; Vinaras-Abad, Monica; Pretel-Jimenez, Marile. ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AND ONLINE TASKS: TOWARDS THE AUTONOMY AND EMPOWERMENT OF SENIOR CITIZENS PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2017.

Vinaras-Abad, Monica; Abad Alcala, Leopoldo; Llorente-Barroso, Carmen; Sanchez-Valle, Maria; Pretel-Jimenez, Marile. e-Administration and the e-inclusion of the elderly REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2017.

Simonova, Ivana; Poulova, Petra. Level of Education and Previous Experience in Acquiring ICT/Smart Technologies by the Elderly People Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 2017.

Faba-Perez, Cristina; Patino-Agudo, Rocio. The Training of Professionals in the Information Sciences from A New Perspective: Seniors INVESTIGACION BIBLIOTECOLOGICA, 2017.

Dethlefs, Nina; Milders, Maarten; Cuayahuitl, Heriberto; Al-Salkini, Turkey; Douglas, Lorraine. A natural language-based presentation of cognitive stimulation to people with dementia in assistive technology: A pilot study INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE, 2017.

Miguel, Isabel; da Luz, Helena Amaro. Internet use for Active Aging: A systematic literature review Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, 2017.

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Hinojo Lucena, Maria Angustias; Agreda Montoro, Miriam; Rodriguez Garcia, Antonio Manuel. Study on training in ICT in the day centers of Andalusia senior people: analysis from the gender perspective ETIC NET-REVISTA CIENTIFICA ELECTRONICA DE EDUCACION Y COMUNICACION EN LA SOCIEDAD DEL CONOCIMIENTO, 2017.

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Silva, Patricia; Delerue Matos, Alice; Martinez-Pecino, Roberto. E-inclusion: Beyond individual socio-demographic characteristics PLOS ONE, 2017.

Morales Almeida, Paula; Escandell Bermudez, Maria Olga; Castro Sanchez, Jose Juan. Teacher training in ICT and their thoughts on the integration of ICT in adult centers PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2018.

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Agudo Prado, Susana; Alvarez-Arregui, Emilio; Rodriguez Martin, Alejandro; Rosal Fraga, Maria Isabel. Social and digital inclusion: Usage of emerging technologies by elderly people in Asturias AULA ABIERTA, 2018.

Bustamante, MDM. Retired people on Twitter. Analysis of narratives and seminality of elders' tweets commenting on public affairs. The case of Chile AULA ABIERTA, 2018.

Velarde Hermida, Olivia; Casas-Mas, Belen. Virtualization of interpersonal communications CHASQUI-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE COMUNICACION, 2018.

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Iniguez-Berrozpe, Tatiana; Valero-Errazu, Diana; Elboj-Saso, Carmen. Towards an Inclusive Information Society. Technology proficiency and ICT Skills of Mature Adults REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2018.

Lopez Meneses, Eloy; Sarasola Sanchez-Serrano, Jose Luis; Jaen Martinez, Alicia; Gomez Galan, Jose. Gerontology graduate students' perception of ageing REVISTA DE HUMANIDADES, 2019.

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Anguita Martinez, Rocio; Ruiz Requies, Ines; Garcia Zamora, Eduardo. A service-learning proposal in the initial training of social educators: closing the older peoples's digital gap REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2019.

Avila-Rodriguez-de-Mier, B and Martin-Garcia, N. The frequency of Internet use as a key factor of vulnerability among senior population: Regular user vs. irregular user REVISTA MEDITERRANEA COMUNICACION-JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2019.

Villarejo-Ramos, Angel F.; Peral-Peral, Begona; Arenas-Gaitan, Jorge;. Latent segmentation of older adults in the use of social networks and e-banking services INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL , 2019.

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Menendez Alvarez-Dardet, Susana; Lorence Lara, Barbara; Perez-Padilla, Javier;. Older adults and ICT adoption: Analysis of the use and attitudes toward computers in elderly Spanish people COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR , 2020.

Padial Espinosa, Mónica; Pinzón Pulido, Sandra; Espinosa Almendro, Juan Manuel;. Gerokomos , 2020.

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Trigueros-Cervantes, Carmen; Rivera-García, Enrique; Delgado-Peña, José Jesús;. Revista mexicana de investigación educativa , 2017.

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Citas em Scopus

Peral-Peral, B., Arenas-Gaitán, J., Villarejo-Ramos, A.-F.. From digital divide to psycho-digital divide: Elders, online social networks), Comunicar, .

Llorente-Barroso, C., Viñarás-Abad, M., Sánchez-Valle, M.. Internet, the elderly: Enhancing active ageing), Comunicar, .

Luna-García, H., Mendoza-González, R., Álvarez-Rodríguez, F.-J.. Design patterns to enhance accessibility, use of social applications for older adults), Comunicar, .

Ortega-Tudela, J.M., Ortiz Colón, A.M.. Social networks, lifelong learning in older people [Redes sociales y formación permanente en personas mayores]), Revista Complutense de Educacion, .

Asbury, E.T.. Natives, immigrants: Closing the digital generation gap), Applied Cyberpsychology: Practical Applications of Cyberpsychological Theory and Research, .

Padilla-Carmona, M.T., Suárez-Ortega, M., Sánchez-García, M.F.. Digital inclusion of mature students: Analysis of their attitudes, ICT competences [Inclusión digital de los estudiantes adultos que acceden a la universidad: Análisis de sus actitudes y competencias digitales]), Revista Complutense de Educacion, .

Carmen-Ricoy, M., Da Silva-Couto, M.J.V.. Digital mobile devices, skills to use in the knowledge society [Dispositivos móveis digitais e competências para a utilização na "sociedade do conhecimento]"), Convergencia, .

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Roldán Herencia, G.J.. Elder people’s musical education at Granada University, digital literacy [Educación musical de adultos en la Universidad de Granada y alfabetización digital]), Opcion, .

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Condeza, A.R., Bastías, G., Valdivia, G., Cheix, C., Barrios, X., Rojas, R., Gálvez, M., Fernández, F.. Elderly in Chile: Describing their needs for preventive health communication [Adultos mayores en Chile: Descripción de sus necesidades en comunicación en salud preventive]),, .

Díaz-Prieto, C., García-Sánchez, J.-N.. Psychological profiles of older adult Web 2.0 tool users), Computers in Human Behavior, .

Díaz-López, M.P., López-Liria, R., Aguilar-Parra, J.M., Padilla-Góngora, D.. Keys to active ageing: new communication technologies, lifelong learning), SpringerPlus, .

Meneses Fernández, M.D., Santana Hernández, J.D., Martín Gutiérrez, J., Henríquez Escuela, M.R., Rodríguez Fino, E.. Using communication, visualization technologies with senior citizens to facilitate cultural access, self-improvement), Computers in Human Behavior, .

Roscoe, K.D., Morgan, F., Lavender, P.. Ageing, learning ICT skills: Implications for social care), Social Work, Social Sciences Review, .

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Viñarás-Abad, M., Abad-Alcalá, L., Llorente-Barroso, C., Sánchez-Valle, M., Pretel-Jiménez, M.. E-Administration, the e-inclusion of the elderly), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .

Vázquez-Cano, E.. Analysis of difficulties of spanish teachers to improve students’ digital reading competence. A case study within the PISA framework [Ispanijos mokytojų patiriamų sunkumų ugdant mokinių skaitmeninio raštingumo kompetenciją analizė: Atvejo studija pagal PISA tyrimą]), Pedagogika, .

Faba-Pérez, C., Patiño-Agudo, R.. The training of professionals in the information sciences from a new perspective: Seniors [La formación de profesionales universitarios en información y documentación desde una nueva perspectiva: La tercera edad]), Investigacion Bibliotecologica, .

Trigueros-Cervantes, C., Rivera-García, E., Delgado-Peña, J.J.. Las tic y el alumno mayor en los programas universitarios para mayores desde la perspectiva del enseñante: Análisis en el contexto español), Revista Mexicana de Investigacion Educativa, .

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Simonova, I., Poulova, P.. Level of education, previous experience in acquiring ICT/smart technologies by the elderly people), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), .

Prado, S.A., Rodríguez-Martín, A., Álvarez-Arregui, E., Díaz Noguera, M.D., Graván, P.R.. Inclusive university for all people, ages: Higher education, older persons), Research on University Teaching, Faculty Development: International Perspectives, .

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Morales Romo, N.. The articulation between digital contexts, Social Justice for schoolchildren, elderly people in rural areas [La articulación entre escenarios digitales y justicia social para los escolares y personas mayores del medio rural]), Prisma Social, .

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Miguel, I., Da Luz, H.A.. Internet use for active aging: A systematic literature review), Iberian Conference on Information Systems, Technologies, CISTI, .

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Martínez Heredia, N., Rodríguez-García, A.-M.. Literacy, digital competence in elderly people: The case of the open training classroom of University of Granada [Alfabetización y competencia digital en personas mayores: El caso del aula permanente de formación abierta de la Universidad de Granada (España)]), Espacios, .

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Fernández, E.A., Castro, J.L., González, D.A., Aguayo, I.H.. Access, use of elderly women's ICT in Europe [Acceso y uso de las TIC de las mujeres mayores de la Europa comunitaria]), Prisma Social, .

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Meneses, E.L., Sánchez-Serrano, J.L.S., Martínez, A.J., Galán, J.G.. Gerontology graduate students' perception of ageing [Percepción de los estudiantes de posgrado en gerontología sobre el envejecimiento]), Revista de Humanidades (SPAIN), .

Durán, J.L.C., Mendoza, C.A.D., Domínguez, D.C. . The weight of government publicity in Mexico in the local press. The image of the governor of Puebla 2014-2015 | [El peso de la publicity gubernamental en México en la prensa local. La imagen del gobernador de Puebla, 2014-2015]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .

Rivoir, A., Morales, M.J., Casamayou, A.. Uses, perceptions of digital technologies in elderly people. Limitations, benefits for their life quality [Usos y percepciones de las tecnologías digitales en personas mayores. Limitaciones y beneficios para su calidad de vida]), Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales, .

Menéndez Álvarez-Dardet, S., Lorence Lara, B., Pérez-Padilla, J. . Older adults and ICT adoption: Analysis of the use and attitudes toward computers in elderly Spanish people), Computers in Human Behavior, .

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Thornton, K., Lang, M.. Ethical, practical issues surrounding access to ICT education by elderly persons), Handbook of Research on Education and Technology in a Changing Society, .

Lucerón-Lucas-Torres, M.I., Valera-Ortín, J. . Health technology tools used to increase physical activity and improve cardiovascular parameters in older adults: A review | [TIC en actividad física y parámetros cardiovasculares en mayores: una revisión]), Enfermeria Clinica, .

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Román-Graván, P., Manuel Pérez-Hurtado, D., Tadeu, P. . Active aging and internet use to improve the quality of life of the seniors | [Envejecimiento activo y uso de internet para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mayores]), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .

Espinosa, M.P., Pulido, S.P., Almendro, J.M.E., Kalache, A., Peña, F.G. . Longevity and digital revolution. The contribution of information and communication technologies to healthy aging | [Longevidad y revolución digital. Contribución de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación al envejecimiento saludable]), Gerokomos, .

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Rosado, M., Abásolo, M.J., Silva, T. . ICT Oriented to the Elderly and Their Active Aging: A Systematic Review), Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, .

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Villarejo-Ramos, Á.F., Peral-Peral, B., Arenas-Gaitán, J. . Latent segmentation of older adults in the use of social networks and e-banking services), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .

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Almeida, P.M., Bermúdez, M.O.E., Sánchez, J.J.C. . Teacher training in ICT and their thoughts on the integration of ICT in adult centers | [Formación del profesorado en tic y su pensamiento acerca de la integración de la tecnología en la enseñanza de adultos]), Espacios, .

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Dethlefs, N., Milders, M., Cuayáhuitl, H., Al-Salkini, T., Douglas, L. . A natural language-based presentation of cognitive stimulation to people with dementia in assistive technology: A pilot study), PLoS ONE, .

Citas em Google Scholar

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Llorente-Barroso, C., Vinaras-Abad, M., & Sanchez-Valle, M. (2015). Internet and the elderly: enhancing active ageing. Comunicar, 23(45), 29-36.

Prado, S. A., Cadavieco, J. F., & Sevillano, M. Á. P. (2013). Ventajas de la incorporación de las TIC en el envejecimiento/Advantages of incorporating ICT in aging. Revista Latinoamericana De Tecnología Educativa-RELATEC, 12(2), 131-142.

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Padilla Carmona, M. T., Suárez Ortega, M., & Sánchez García, M. F. (2016). Inclusión digital de los estudiantes adultos que acceden a la universidad: análisis de sus actitudes y competencias digitales. Revista Complutense de Educación, 27 (3), 1229-1246.

Trigueros-Cervantes, C., Rivera-García, E., & Delgado-Peña, J. J. (2017). Las TIC y el alumno mayor en los programas universitarios para mayores desde la perspectiva del enseñante: análisis en el contexto español. Revista mexicana de investigación educativa, 22(72), 273-293.

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Como citar

Agudo-Prado, S., Pascual-Sevillano, M., & Fombona, J. (2012). Uses of digital tools among the elderly. [Usos de las herramientas digitales entre las personas mayores]. Comunicar, 39, 193-201.



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