Ключевые слова

Adolescents, audio-visual media, satisfaction, evaluation and perceptions


The results presented in this paper are from a research using a questionnaire about activities and evaluations of boys and girls in relation to different audiovisual media (television, computer, videoconsole, educative CD-Roms, Internet and computer and console games). Results show us that children information about any audiovisual media is systematically overestimated by parents. Generally, the media with more negative concordances is videogames, the one with more positive concordances is the computer and the one with more discrepancies between generations is TV.


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Casas-Aznar, F., Figuer-Ramírez, C., & González-Carrasco, M. (2002). ¿Qué coincidencias y discrepancias tienen los jóvenes y sus padres ante los medios?. Comunicar, 18, 47-52. https://doi.org/10.3916/C18-2002-08



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