Ключевые слова

Scientific communication, scientific popularization, scientific journalism.


The press offices of the institutions that make science and technology are a valuable source of information for the journalists of the different media who many times do not take advantage of the materials that they receive losing some news because they think they are not ojective or not interesting for the public.


ABRAMSZYCK, J. (1979): Problemas del «press release» en el periodismo científico, en AIAPC: «Memoria del 3er Congreso Iberoamericano

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CALVO, M. (1997): Manual del periodismo científico. Barcelona, Bosch.

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de Periodismo Científico». México; 57-58.

Link Google Scholar

MORENO, L. (1994): Periodismo científico. Materiales de opinión. Caracas, Lagoven-Círculo de Periodismo Científico de Venezuela.

Link Google Scholar


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Как процитировать

Ferrer-Escalona, A. (2002). What are institutional resources for?. [¿Para qué son útiles los medios institucionales?]. Comunicar, 19, 77-79. https://doi.org/10.3916/C19-2002-14



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