
Education, communication, television speech, active reception, communicative competence, educative television


Taking into account the generalized spreading of image and electronic media, the relation between education and communication is a very important element to examine interactions and transformations generated towards the school and the social life. Television has a special impact on these contexts and its effects are manifested in very different ways. The incidence of television and the cognitive and pedagogical challenges issues are the main objectives of this study. The authors would like to approach especially aspects related to the active reception of television as a tool in the development of the teachinglearning process, which becomes a need within the current educational system.


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引述 Web of Science


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Bustamante-Bohórquez, B., Aranguren-Díaz, F., & Argüello-Guzmán, R. (2004). Education and televisión: a creative meeting point. [Educación y televisión: una convergencia creativa]. Comunicar, 22, 132-136. https://doi.org/10.3916/C22-2004-20



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