
Radio, discourse critical análisis, mass-media, crisis communication


Radio in Spain went through a rather peculiar news-making process between the 11th and 14th of March. Shortly after the terrorist attacks on commuter trains in Madrid during which ETA was blamed, doubts about who was actually behind the bombings produced a crisis in the construction of the news characterized by the absence of a clear perpetrator. The debate on this phenomenon brought about an ideological struggle taken up by the general public who demonstrated their opposition to the information policy of Government. This article is an attempt to analyze the main features of this piece of radiophonic news and how the audience participated on the news-making process.


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引述 Web of Science


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de-la-Fuente-Soler, M. (2004). Los oyentes en la construcción de la noticia. El caso del 11-M. Comunicar, 23, 129-135. https://doi.org/10.3916/C23-2004-22



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