
Digital divide, digital inclusion, Internet, digital literacy, information and communication technologies


Digital divide in Chile is not as large as it seems. Last figures obtained from a research made in aproximately twenty countries shows that at least 65% of the Chilean people are users of the Internet and have access to this technology. Therefore, digital literacy should focus on activities which would help to surpass the lack of access either by own decision or lack of skills. The following paper shows the situation of the digital divide in Chile and the activities developed in order to surpass it in both private and public areas.


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引述 Web of Science


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Fernández-Medina, F. (2005). Digital divide and digital inclusion in Chile: the challenges of a new literacy. [Brecha e inclusión digital en Chile: los desafíos de una nueva alfabetización]. Comunicar, 24, 77-84. https://doi.org/10.3916/C24-2005-12



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