Ключевые слова

Interaction, technology, pedagogy, communication, computer technology, curriculum


New technologies in education have changed the ways people know and think, the mechanisms of apprehension of the reality. In communication terms, the «receptive» use is added to the «interactional» use. This paper analyses the degrees or levels of interaction with computer technology resources settled down by students for a teaching degree from the University of Los Lagos. This is the real impact of the incorporation of the computer technology language and its appropiation in curricular and «extracurricular» contexts, motivated by students and teachers acess to computer technology.


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Kiss-de-Alejandro, D., & Castro-Ríos, E. (2005). Communicative interaction with computer technology. [Interacción comunicativa con la tecnología informática]. Comunicar, 24, 143-149. https://doi.org/10.3916/C24-2005-21



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