Ключевые слова

Programming strategy, audience, public service, funding model, quality


In the endless debate about quality television, we should first deal with the definition of quality, with its investigation and evaluation and with the exigible conditions to achieve it. From this point, we think that the key lies in the idea of audiences as a whole of citizens, not just as mere consumers or users. This simple affirmation gives place to very important consequences for the triple classical function of PSBs (Public Service Broadcasters), which is to inform, educate and entertain. Quality is assured always that PSB does its duty as a public service, to which it has been encomended. Thus, it must provide diversity and reach a broad audience, with a guarantee of respect to the principles subject to law. Additionally, society needs to be taught to watch television and to understand this media.



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Camacho-Ordóñez, R. (2005). Quality television: distinctiveness and audience. [Televisión de calidad: distinción y audiencia]. Comunicar, 25, 29-32. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-004



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