
Political communication, political information, television, audience


This article analyzes the changes that have taken place in the political communication from the birth of television. A historical review of the functions that have been having the television until becomes the first source of political information for the citizens it is shown in this article. The research analyzes the effects that the new political communication has in the presentation of the political information as well as in the audience. One of the most important conclusion is the affirmation that at the same time that the television popularizes the policy, it allows a fast and easy access to this type of information. The citizens are apathetic and disinterested in it.



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Berrocal-Gonzalo, S. (2005). Political news on TV: are the citizens apathetic or interested in it?. [La información política en televisión: ¿apatía o interés entre los telespectadores?]. Comunicar, 25.



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