
Literacy, reality culture, educative television, proportion, guides


I´m a teacher in the Adults Education Centre. I consider all the media we work are very stimulating for pupils. I think the media can be the best choice to participate avoiding our pasivity. The Media help learn new social ways of living. There are new forms of oral comunication experienced by teenagers, especially chat in internet. Media make oral language rich and adapt themselves to people changing circunstance in order to improve their own language. A web site should give a series of contents suitable for on line Media. Emotion is one of the most used resources for getting and maintening the viewer´s attention in audiovisual context. In the future, we will all be working from home, using computers, mobile phones, the internet, TV with NICAM digital stereo. I think we´ll be watching TV in the mobile phone. I can imagine having 500 television channels trasmitting into my home. We will be thinking about the new technology on our society.


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Rodríguez-Mateos, D. (2005). From the illiteracies to the telerubbish: investigation on transition's processes. [De los analfabetismos a la telebasura: indagación sobre sus procesos de transición]. Comunicar, 25.



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