Palavras chave

Televisión, teaching staff training, critical view, disabled people.


In this paper one presents the development and some results of a practical activity that forms a part of the formative program of students of Teaching, in relation to the subject «Psycho-pedagogic Bases of the Special Education». The activity supposes the utilization of the television as curricular resource and we it come leading to end for years, which experience allows us to recount some methodological considerations and think about its results. The activity includes a double slope. On one hand, to study the images of the disabled people projected in the television, as important mass media that determines the mental representation and social attitudes in relation with this group. On the other hand, to use the formative content of diverse programs that presents, from different perspectives or approaches, the reality of the persons with disability or people with educational special needs.


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López-González, M., & López-González, M. (2005). Television, disabled people and formative curriculum of the teachers. [Televisión, personas con discapacidad y currículum formativo del profesorado]. Comunicar, 25.



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