Ключевые слова

Teaching, education, television, cultural programs, tele-rubbish.


This communication is centered on the opinions that the students of the second year of the degree of Educación Social of the University of Huelva have of the influence of television on the family education. In the second part of the piece of work, we deal with the opinions of the relatives of the students that are the object of the research. Some of them are their elders, people that lived when television didn’t exist or its use was a privilege for some sectors of society. This part of the research is directed towards the comparative analysis between the opinions of both the students of Educación Social and their relatives.


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Jiménez-Hernández, A., & Torres-Barzabal, L. (2005). Influences of television on the family education. [Influencia de la televisión en la educación familiar]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-183



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