Ключевые слова

Education, orientation, childhood, consumption.


The improper consumption of television in the children is one of the topics that more worries both to professionals of the education and to the families. Such it is the degree of interest to be employed at this question that there have designed educational programs that, in the main, they have managed neither remain too much time in the programming still nor to wake the interest of the smallest up. With the present communication we try to establish an analysis of the current situation of the consumption of television in the smallest as well as to present an offer of orientation where teachers, parents and children play a crucial role towards the improvement of the seing of mass media.


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Toscano-Cruz, M. (2005). Orientationto improper consumption on television in childhood. [Orientación hacia el consumo abusivo de televisión en la infancia]. Comunicar, 25. https://doi.org/10.3916/C25-2005-187



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