
Teaching strategies, integrating TV into curriculum.


The television, used as a didactic tool in the teaching-learning process, contributes to the construction of an innovative space in the teaching practice. The most important issue is not only to know what tools are used by the teachers and how often they used them, but to know what cognitive, procedural and attitudinal strategies are acquired or developed by the students. This research on the use of TV as a didactic tool studies the answers of 91 students of different specialities of the Pedagogic Proficiency Course (Curso de Aptitud Pedagógica 2003-2004) of the University of La Rioja.


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Santibáñez-Velilla, J. (2005). Television: a tool for acquiring knowledge, skills and values. [Televisión: un recurso para adquirir conocimientos, procedimientos y valores]. Comunicar, 25.



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