
Community radio station, aborigines, communicational space, intercultural, global-local, conflicts, micpublic sphere, civil society


This paper shows the impact experienced by the creation of a community radio station. We reduce some aspects related to the production of bilingual programmes. The major part of this production was under-taken by young people of the wichi community. This article synthesises the most important aspects related to the production of the bilingual programmes. By means of this participative process, we facilitate the ability of the aborigenes to develop their identity and the intercultural dialogue of great importance in the context of globalisation.


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Huergo, J., Morawicki, K., & Ferreyra, L. (2006). Media, identities and communication. A community radio experience with native wichí people. [Una experiencia de radio comunitaria con aborígenes wichí]. Comunicar, 26, 103-110.



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