
Advertising, consumption, new models, metrosexual, übersexual


«Metrosexuals» or «übersexuals» are lately all the rage in mass media and among young people. This model is not new: it is the result of a process of transformation initiated some time ago in Westem Societies. The new man who worries about so, called female topics is on the one hand a social reality and on the other one, an advertising construction. «Metrosexuals» and «übersexuals» as a social reality are one of the results of the revolution carried out by women, however they are an advertising artefact as well, because they are the product of companies which through observation and due to advertising have tumed a minor trend into a mass phenomenon.


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Rey-Fuentes, J. (2006). Metrosexuals and übersexuals as an advertising construction. [Los «metrosexuales» y «übersexuales» como artefactos publicitarios]. Comunicar, 27, 19-27. https://doi.org/10.3916/C27-2006-04



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