
Dinki, life style, target, consumers, marketing, advenising


The term «dinki» stands for «double income no kids» and refers to young couples with high earned income who do not want to have offspring in order to maintain their economical status (a great part of their income is devoted to travelling, eating in restaurants...). The «dinki» phenomenon is not new at all. According to the results about «Young families in Spain» published by Milward Brown Spain consultancy in November 2005, in Spain there are already 800,000 of «dinki» couples, a 75 percentage higher than in 2000.


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Delgado-Brull, M., & Gómez-Abeja, D. (2006). «Dinkis»: setting a new life style. [«Dinkis»: marcando un nuevo estilo de vida]. Comunicar, 27, 29-33.



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