
Adolescents, information society, ICTs, mobile phone, interpersonal relationships


The impact that a new technology item such as the mobile phone has on today's society, in particular, on the life of adolescents aged 12 - 16, is analyzed and discussed. In the information society we are living in, changes are ever quickening. Consequently, interpenonal relationships are being modified. Many of these transformations affects adolescents transforming their habits, attitudes and ways of relationships around this technology, both with their friends and families.


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Malo-Cerrato, S. (2006). The impact of mobile phones in the life of adolescents aged 12 - 16 years old. [Impacto del teléfono móvil en la vida de los adolescentes entre 12 y 16 años]. Comunicar, 27, 105-112.



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