
Cinema, audiovisual media, audiovisual education, audiovisual teaching, cinema teaching


In 1999, the Education Ministry has financed the National Plan for the Promotion of Cinematographic & Audiovisual Language, promoted by Lino Miccichè, from the University of Rome III, in collaboration with institutions and national and regional associations. This Plan for three annualities has been blocked by italian government, due to his inestability and a lack of political will to renew the education system.


COSTANTINO, M. (2005): Educare al film. Milano, Franco Angeli Editore.

Link Google Scholar

MORALDI, S. (2006): Una proposta di cinema per la scuola. Roma, tesis de licenciatura.

Link Google Scholar


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Lariccia, F. (2007). Cinema teaching in the Italian educacional system. [La enseñanza del cine en el sistema educativo italiano]. Comunicar, 29, 47-49.



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