
Right of access, political pluralism, content analysis, public television, social group


The objective of the article is to show the possibility that the monitoring of the presence of the social groups in the mass media of public ownership has, because of the lack of development of the Right of Access. A minimum empirical approximation to such presence highlights two aspects. On the one hand, the scarce presence of the social groups and, therefore, of the civil society, in the media. On the other hand, some essential methodological decisions that should be previously taken.


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Neira Cruz, Xose Antonio. Literacy media and social integration of the elderly prison population REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2016.


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Callejo-Gallego, M. (2008). The right to access to the media: methodological reflections. [El derecho de acceso a los medios: reflexiones metodológicas sobre su seguimiento]. Comunicar, 30, 107-112.



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