
Animation and aesthetic culture, artistic techniques, variety in animation


The analysis of the educational function of television should not be strictly limited to the contents of the programmes, but it should also examine the way in which these contents are presented. Cartoons, as an audiovisual medium especially designed for young children, are a vehicle that conveys culture and aesthetic values. The research carried out in our Drawing Department shows there is little variety in the artistic techniques used in animation, and that speed of production is more important than the development of techniques. This article examines the results of the research and proposes alternatives which are being developed in some high-quality animation studios.


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Pertíñez-López, J.. The art and aesthetics of contemporary cartoons in Spain), International Journal of Visual Design, .

Rodríguez, M.C.H.. Literature and children's animation: A spanish production, "donkey xote"), International Journal of Visual, .

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Hidalgo-Rodríguez, M., & Pertíñez-López, J. (2008). Aesthetic education in television animation. [Educación estética en animación televisiva]. Comunicar, 31.



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