Ключевые слова

Citizen, broadcast news, public service television, TVE, BBC, news professionals


This article analyzes the strategies followed by the BBC channel to legitimize its role as public television through an approach to the citizens and a diversification of contents in order to face the challenge posed by the current fragmentation of audiences. The study is based on interviews with BBC news professionals about their concept of the public and their gaze on citizens. The aim of this paper is to identify ways to help TVE to face the challenge of its legitimating as public service television.


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Как процитировать

Lamuedra-Graván, M., & Lara-Padilla, T. (2008). How to educate the gaze and manufacture the news: the citizen in the BBC broadcast information. [El ciudadano en la información periodística de la BBC]. Comunicar, 31, 145-152. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-01-018



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