
Investigation, TV, educational resource, family education


This research tries to contribute with some information, reflections and proposals on television, and its main goal is to explore the possibilities that television offers as an educational tool in the family, orientated to the education of their children. Therefore, the reception and impact on the families of the region of Cantabria of the program of television «Home from school» was evaluated as an initiative of the Marcelino Botín Foundation. The results obtained with the questionnaire to the families who saw the programs show that television is a tool at the disposal of parents, a resource that helps them to educate their children.


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Cites in Web of Science

Linde-Valenzuela, Teresa; Cebrian de la Serna, Manuel; Aguilar Ramos, Maria del Carmen; . Initial teacher training for digital family-school communication in Andalucia PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2019.

Cabero-Almenara, Julio; Guerra Liano, Sonsoles;. MEDIA LITERACY IN THE INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION EDUCACION XX1 , 2011.

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Cites in Scopus

Linde-Valenzuela, T., De La Serna, M.C., Del Carmen Aguilar Ramos, M.. Initial teacher training for digital family-school communication in Andalucia [Formación inicial docente para la comunicación digital familia-escuela en andalucía]), Profesorado, .

Almenara, J.C., Liaño, S.G.. Media literacy in the initial teacher education [La alfabetización y formación en medios decomunicación en la formación inicial del profesorado]), Educacion XX1, .

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Guerra-Liaño, S. (2008). The TV: an educational tool in the context of the family. [La TV: una herramienta educativa en el contexto de la familia]. Comunicar, 31.



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