Ключевые слова

Television, childhood, daily life, mediation, ethnography of the public


This article presents the preliminary results of an investigation on the meaning of television in the daily life of children, which corresponds to a study carried out on with boys and girls of a medium socio-economic level from Santiago of Chile. The diverse uses and senses that children assign to television are explored. In addition, the way in which they use and appropriate television programming is also analyzed. Along the same lines, it is relevant to go on studying in depth the concrete and symbolic presence of television in the conformation of children’s identity processes and in the mediation that television exerts in children’s relationships with their friends, their classmates, their siblings and their parents.


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Цитаты в Web of Science

Vergara, Enrique; Rodriguez, Maite. The Social and Cultural Impact of Advertising among Chilean Youths COMUNICAR, 2010.


Vergara, Enrique; Vergara, Ana. Representation of Childhood in Advertising Discourse in Chile COMUNICAR, 2012.


Brito, Glaucia da Silva; Durante Vieira, Andre Richard. Animated cartoons and audience analysis: a brief history around the main traditions REVISTA COMUNICACAO MIDIATICA, 2013.

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Цитаты в Scopus

Vergara, E., Vergara, A.. Representation of childhood in advertising discourse in Chile), Comunicar, .


Vergara, E., Rodríguez, M.. The social, cultural impact of advertising among Chilean youths [El impacto social y cultural de la publicidad entre los jóvenes Chilenos]), Comunicar, .


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Vergara-del-Solar, A., & Vergara-Leyton, E. (2008). TV in the daily life of children: the case of Santiago de Chile. [La TV en la vida de la infancia: estudio de caso en Santiago de Chile]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-015



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