
Audio-visual narratives, teenagers, audience, audio-visual creation, viewer-authors, critical reflections


This paper provides an analysis of 37 short audio-visual stories told in sketches (like a storyboard). These works were drawn by teenagers of two high-schools of Federal District - Brazil, within the framework of a project of investigation-action supported by the University of Brasilia. The aim of this analysis is to show the adjustment of the strategy of drawing sketches to the construction of proposals, which arise from the union joining of the creative capacities of the young people together with their position as viewers. It is necessary to mention that the groups of teenagers hadn´t attended any courses or audiovisual workshops which become the starting point for the development of a proposal of media literacy in schools.


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Quintão-Carneiro, V. (2008). Readings of TV from teenagers storyboards. [Lecturas propositivas de TV y creación de guiones dibujados por adolescentes]. Comunicar, 31.



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