Ключевые слова

Internet, publicity, critical and creative consumption, education in values


Television and publicity were never two independent screens as the second sustains the first, but since the end of the nineties Internet has become a meta-screen that feeds back, spreads and generates audio-visual and multimedia consumable contents. In spite of many institutional campaigns blessing the ICTs, we maintain that the concretion that publicity and the Internet have in the classroom is really scarce, at the same time that their presence in the street is enormous. This is our proposal: publicity keeps being a first school of models for our students, the Internet can be a channel for the exhibition, distribution, analysis and communication in the classroom in which publicity becomes an object of analysis and creative consumption.


Castells, M. (2000): La Galaxia Internet. Barcelona, Debolsillo; 19.

Link Google Scholar

Gabelas, J.A. (2005): «Virtualidad y educación enredados en las pantallas», en www.cibersociedad.net/congres004/foros/conver¬sa.php?idioma=es&temati¬ca=&grup=&id=&pa¬gi¬na¬=to¬¬dos (30-06-07)

Link Google Scholar

Manovich, L. (2005): El lenguaje de los nuevos medios de comunicación. Barcelona, Paidós.

Link Google Scholar


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Цитаты в Web of Science

Martinez-Pastor, Esther; Garcia-Lopez, Javier. Review of Spanish scientific journals research on digital advertising PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2013.


Цитаты в Scopus

Martínez-Pastor, E., García-López, J.. Investigación sobre publicidad digital en revistas científicas españolas), Profesional de la Informacion, .


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Как процитировать

Grupo-Spectus. (2008). Creative analysis of publicity in virtual environments. [Análisis creativo de la publicidad en los entornos virtuales]. Comunicar, 31. https://doi.org/10.3916/c31-2008-03-075



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