Ключевые слова

Media technologies, media education, research, social responsibility, public involvement


The recent explosion of communication tools and services within last two decades has posed new questions that are beyond the comprehension of existing pedagogy in Indian Comm unication Studies. Indian society has witnessed a widespread proliferation of media technologies to such an extent that they have become ubiquitous in society. Media education, in In dia, however, remains an almost unexplored area of studies. This contribution puts forward the need for Media education far from a non-elitist point of view and proposes this Media education as a new pedagogy although its efficiency has not been proved convincingly yet.


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Jayachandran, J.. Media Literacy, Education in India During Times of Communication Abundance), Journal of Creative Communications, .


Ibarra-Rius, N., Ballester-Roca, J., Martí, F.M.. Crossroads of literacy, citizenship: Use, consumption of educational applications [Encrucijadas de la competencia mediática y la ciudadanía: Uso y consumo de aplicaciones educativas]), Prisma Social, .

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Das, B. (2009). Media education as a development project: Connecting emancipatory interests and governance in India. [La educación en medios como proyecto de desarrollo en el subcontinente indio]. Comunicar, 32, 51-64. https://doi.org/10.3916/c32-2009-02-004



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