
Protective factors, television, values, drugs, adolescence


Studies related to the use of addictive substances usually reflect the point of view of consumers. In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of the answers of non-users related to the impact of television on their attitudes and behaviour. This article is the result of extensive research carried out in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico that aimed to describe the relationship between television and the identification and promotion of values that protect the city’s teenagers from drug use. The data obtained provide those in charge of television programming with suggestions from the teenagers to help them stay drug-free.


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Cites in Scopus

Sevillano-García, M.L., Sotomayor-Baca, A.. Food advertising, consumption by students in Huánuco (Peru)), Comunicar, .

Vega Fuente, A., Aramendi Jauregui, P., Buján Vidales, M.K., Garín Casares, S.. Health education in secondary school: Contributions from a study about the Basque Country [La educación para la salud en la ESO: Aportaciones de un estudio sobre el país vasco]), Educacion XX1, .

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How to cite

Sevillano-García, M., González-Flores, M., & Rey-Yedra, L. (2009). Television, attitudes, and drugs in adolescents: Research on their effects. [Televisión, actitudes y drogas en adolescentes: Investigación sobre sus efectos]. Comunicar, 33, 185-192.



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