Palavras chave

Tecnologia, pedagogia, disciplina, formação, docência, TICs, conhecimento, instrução


A emergência das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) levanta novos desafios educativos à docência, aos quais podem responder a partir de um modelo de formação coerente. O propósito deste estudo é analisar os conhecimentos do professor de Educação Primária nos meios: tecnológicos, pedagógicos e disciplinares, necessários para a integração das TICs no trabalho docente. Para isto, procedeu-se a uma pesquisa com metodologia quantitativa de caráter não experimental, da qual participaram 224 professores de Educação Infantil e Primária da província de Alicante. Os resultados revelaram que os professores possuem maiores conhecimentos pedagógicos e disciplinares do que tecnológicos, o que implica a escassos conhecimentos para a integração das TICs ao trabalho docente. Observou-se, além disso, diferenças significativas entre o gênero e os anos de experiência, e a relação entre o uso lúdico da tecnologia e dos conhecimentos sobre os aspectos fundamentais. Segundo os resultados obtidos, confirma-se a necessidade de uma alfabetização digital para o professor, que aborde a formação tecnológica, pedagógica e disciplinar de forma global. Isto responde ao modelo TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge), o qual se contempla como um quadro de referência, por levar em conta o respeito ao desenvolvimento profissional da docência e seu vínculo com os processos de ensino e aprendizagem em sala de aula onde as TICs estão presentes.


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Citado por

Citas em Web of Science

Garcia-Valcarcel, Ana; Martin del Pozo, Marta. Are graduates of the Bachelor Degree in Primary Education prepared for the teaching profession? BORDON-REVISTA DE PEDAGOGIA, 2016.

Area-Moreira, Manuel; Hernandez-Rivero, Victor; Sosa-Alonso, Juan-Jose. Models of educational integration of ICTs in the classroom COMUNICAR, 2016.

Roman-Garcia, Sara; Chao-Fernandez, Rocio; Chao-Fernandez, Aurelio. ICT IN THE MUSIC CLASSROOM. ACHIEVING MUSICAL LITERACY IN THE 21ST CENTURY EDULEARN Proceedings, 2017.

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Cheng, Kun-Hung. A survey of native language teachers' technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) in Taiwan COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING, 2017.

Macia Bordalba, Monica; Garreta Bochaca, Jordi. Access and digital literacy: barriers of the integration of ICT in family/school communication RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA, 2018.

Camino Bueno-Alastuey, M.; Villarreal, Izaskun; Garcia Esteban, Soraya. Can telecollaboration contribute to the TPACK development of pre-service teachers? TECHNOLOGY PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION, 2018.

Cubeles, Albert; Riu, David. The effective integration of ICTs in universities: the role of knowledge and academic experience of professors TECHNOLOGY PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION, 2018.


Colomer Rubio, Juan Carlos; Saiz Serrano, Jorge; Bel Martinez, Juan Carlos. Digital competence in future teachers of Social Sciences in Primary Education: analysis of the TPACK framework EDUCATIO SIGLO XXI, 2018.

Cejas-Leon, Roberto; Navio Gamez, Antonio. ICT training of university teachers. Influential factors on transfer to teacher's job PROFESORADO-REVISTA DE CURRICULUM Y FORMACION DE PROFESORADO, 2018.

Grande de Prado, Mario. Educational Benefits of Videogames: Review of Spanish Journals EDUCATION IN THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY, 2018.

Luik, Piret; Taimalu, Merle; Laane, Helin. Estonian In-Service Teachers' and Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of Content, Pedagogy, and Technology Knowledge, Based on the TPACK Framework Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, 2019.

Viloria, Amelec; Pineda Lezama, Omar Bonerge; Mercado, Nohora;. Model and Simulation of Structural Equations for Determining the Student Satisfaction 10TH INT CONF ON EMERGING UBIQUITOUS SYST AND PERVAS NETWORKS (EUSPN-2019) / THE 9TH INT CONF ON CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS OF INFORMAT AND COMMUN TECHNOLOGIES IN HEALTHCARE (ICTH-2019) / AFFILIATED WORKOPS , 2019.

Rodriguez Moreno, Javier; Agreda Montoro, Miriam; Ortiz Colon, Ana Maria. Changes in Teacher Training within the TPACK Model Framework: A Systematic Review SUSTAINABILITY, 2019.

Garcia-Martin, Sheila; Canton-Mayo, Isabel. Teachers 3.0: Patterns of Use of Five Digital Tools DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW, 2019.

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Nazari, Naghmeh; Nafissi, Zohreh; Estaji, Masoomeh; Marandi, S. Susan. Evaluating novice and experienced EFL teachers' perceived TPACK for their professional development COGENT EDUCATION, 2019.

Roussinos, Dimitrios; Jimoyiannis, Athanassios. Examining Primary Education Teachers' Perceptions of TPACK and the Related Educational Context Factors JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION, 2019.

Hossain, Syed Far Abid; Ying, Yang; Saha, Swapan Kumar. Systematic Mobile Device Usage Behavior and Successful Implementation of TPACK Based on University Students Need Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020.

Cabero-Almenara, Julio; Palacios-Rodriguez, Antonio; . Digital Competence Framework for Educators "DigCompEdu". Translation and adaptation of "DigCompEdu Check-In" questionnaire EDMETIC, 2020.

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Miguel-Revilla, Diego; Maria Martinez-Ferreira, Jose; Sanchez-Agusti, Maria;. Assessing the digital competence of educators in social studies: An analysis in initial teacher training using the TPACK-21 model AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY , 2020.

Saubern, Ralph; Urbach, Daniel; Koehler, Matthew;. Describing increasing proficiency in teachers' knowledge of the effective use of digital technology COMPUTERS & EDUCATION , 2020.

Ortiz-Colon, Ana Ma; Agreda Montoro, Miriam; Rodriguez Moreno, Javier;. Self-perception of Primary Education teachers in service from the TPACK model REVISTA ELECTRONICA INTERUNIVERSITARIA DE FORMACION DEL PROFESORADO , 2020.

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Pérez, E.C., Román-García, S., Chao-Fernández, R.. Free software in music education: An interdisciplinary practical approach in primary school), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .

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Roussinos, D., Jimoyiannis, A.. Examining Primary Education Teachers’ Perceptions of TPACK, the Related Educational Context Factors), Journal of Research on Technology in Education, .

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Cheng, K.-H.. A survey of native language teachers’ technological pedagogical, content knowledge (TPACK) in Taiwan), Computer Assisted Language Learning, .

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Como citar

Roig-Vila, R., Mengual-Andrés, S., & Quinto-Medrano, P. (2015). Primary teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. [Conocimientos tecnológicos, pedagógicos y disciplinares del profesorado de Primaria]. Comunicar, 45, 151-159.



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