Ключевые слова

Minors, online protection, telecommunication, strategy, services, products, responsibility, technology


The technological landscape in relation to the minors presents numerous challenges facing the telecommunication industry, with families and schools. However, academic literature still remains silence in showing the strategic policies that the industry is managing in order to address these challenges. Therefore, this article has two aims: to provide an overview of the state of the art in order to present the main findings of the child protection policies in international telecom companies (17), stressing the analysis regarding their products and services and how do they manage the collaboration with key stakeholders. Research was conducted using qualitative methodology: CSR reports and websites of the companies were analysed in order to define what are their strategic actions, as well as the individuals and institutions that collaborate with. The findings show interesting insights, even with some differences by regions, among the most significant policies pursued by the sector are: self-regulation, product innovation regarding protection tools and a network of collaborations with stakeholders have been established, as an opportunity for facilitating new policies and strategies. In conclusion, telecom industry needs to integrate their policies regarding minor protection, promoting an integral management approach that comprises not only product development but also strengthen relationships with the main stakeholders as parents and institutions.


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Recalde, Monica; Gutierrez-Garcia, Elena;. Digital natives: the engagement experience to online protection YOUNG CONSUMERS , 2017.


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Recalde, M., Gutiérrez-García, E.. Digital natives: the engagement experience to online protection), Young Consumers, .


De-la-Hoz-Franco, E., Martínez-Palmera, O., Combita-Niño, H., Hernández-Palma, H.. Information, communication technologies, their influence on the transformation of higher education in Colombia to boost the global economy [Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y su Influencia en la Transformación de la Educación Superior en Colombia para Impulso de la Economía Global]), Informacion Tecnologica, .


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Recalde, M., & Gutiérrez-García, E. (2017). Digital natives: the engagement experience to online protection. Young Consumers, 18(2), 159-179.



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Как процитировать

Recalde-Viana, M., Sádaba, C., & Gutiérrez-García, E. (2015). Telecommunication industry contributions to child online protection. [Aportaciones del sector de telecomunicaciones a la protección en línea del menor]. Comunicar, 45, 179-186. https://doi.org/10.3916/C45-2015-19



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