Ключевые слова

Plagiarism, second language, Chinese universities, English language teachers, academic integrity, attitude, knowledge, academic socialization


Plagiarism has engendered increasing concern in academia in the past few decades. While previous studies have investigated student plagiarism from various perspectives, how plagiarism is understood and responded to by university teachers, especially those in English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) writing contexts, has been under-researched. As academic insiders and educators of future academics, university teachers play a key role in educating students against plagiarism and upholding academic integrity. Their knowledge of and attitudes toward plagiarism not only have a crucial influence on their students’ perceptions of plagiarism but can also provide insights into how institutions of higher education are tackling the problem. The study reported in this paper aims to address this imbalance in research on plagiarism by focusing on a sample of 108 teachers from 38 Chinese universities. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data that comprise textual judgments and writing samples, it examines whether EFL teachers in Chinese universities share Anglo-American conceptions of plagiarism, what stance they take on detected cases of plagiarism, and what factors may have influenced their perceptions. Findings from this study problematize the popular, yet over-simplistic, view that Chinese EFL writers are tolerant of plagiarism and point to academic and teaching experience as influences on their perceptions and attitudes concerning plagiarism.

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Цитаты в Web of Science


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Hu, Guangwei; Sun, Xiaoya. Institutional policies on plagiarism: The case of eight Chinese universities of foreign languages/international studies SYSTEM, 2017.


Gottardello, Debora; Pamies, Maria Del Mar; Valverde, Mireia; . Professors' perceptions of university students' plagiarism: A literature review BID-TEXTOS UNIVERSITARIS DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA I DOCUMENTACIO, 2017.


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Shang, Hui-Fang. An investigation of plagiarism software use and awareness training on English as a foreign language (EFL) students JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2019.


Sun, Xiaoya; Hu, Guangwei;. What do academics know and do about plagiarism? An interview study with Chinese university teachers of English ETHICS & BEHAVIOR , 2020.


Hu, Guangwei; Shen, Yunhua;. Chinese university teachers' perceptions and practices regarding plagiarism: knowledge, stance, and intertextual competence ETHICS & BEHAVIOR , 2020.


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Цитаты в Scopus

Hu, G., Shen, Y. . Chinese university teachers’ perceptions and practices regarding plagiarism: knowledge, stance, and intertextual competence), Ethics and Behavior, .


Hu, G., Sun, X.. Institutional policies on plagiarism: The case of eight Chinese universities of foreign languages/international studies), System, .


Gottardello, D., Del Mar Pàmies, M., Valverde, M.. Professors' perceptions of university students' plagiarism: A literature review), BiD, .

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Sun, X., Hu, G.. What do academics know, do about plagiarism? An interview study with Chinese university teachers of English), Ethics and Behavior, .


Shang, H.-F.. An investigation of plagiarism software use, awareness training on English as a foreign language (EFL) students), Journal of Computing in Higher Education, .


AlSmari, N.A. . An Investigation into plagiarism among Saudi EFL students in writing research projects), Asian ESP Journal, .

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Espiñeira-Bellón, E.M., Mosteiro-García, M.J., Muñoz-Cantero, J.M., Porto-Castro, A.M. . Academic honesty as a criterion for evaluating the work of university), RELIEVE - Revista Electronica de Investigacion y Evaluacion Educativa, .


Nagi, K., John, V.K. . Plagiarism among Thai students: A study of attitudes and subjective norms), Asian ESP Journal, .

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Muñoz-Cantero, J.-M., Rebollo-Quintela, N., Mosteiro-García, J., Ocampo-Gómez, C.-I. . Validation of a questionnaire of attributions to the detection of coincidences in academic work | [Validación del cuestionario de atribuciones para la detección de coincidencias en trabajos académicos]), BiD, .


Espiñeira-Bellón, E.-M., Muñoz-Cantero, J.-M., Gerpe-Pérez, E.-M., Castro-Pais, M.-D.. Cyber-plagiarism as digital support for the submission of academic writing), Comunicar, .


Yang, R., Hu, G., Lei, J.. Understanding Chinese English-major students’ intertextual competence and contributing factors), Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, .


Цитаты в Google Scholar

Hu, G., & Sun, X. (2017). Institutional policies on plagiarism: The case of eight Chinese universities of foreign languages/international studies. System, 66, 56-68.


Gottardello, D., del Mar Pàmies, M., & Valverde, M. (2017). Percepcions del professorat amb relació al plagi dels estudiants universitaris: revisió de la bibliografia.


Shang, H. F. (2019). An investigation of plagiarism software use and awareness training on English as a foreign language (EFL) students. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 31(1), 105-120.


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Rebollo-Quintela, N., Espiñeira-Bellón, E. M., & Cantero, J. M. M. (2017). Atribuciones causales en el plagio académico por parte de los estudiantes universitarios. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, 192-196.


Rebollo-Quintela, N., Espiñeira-Bellón, E. M., & Muñoz-Cantero, J. M. Atribuciones causales en el plagio académico por parte de los estudiantes universitarios Causal attributions in academic plagiarism by university students.


Lopez, G. T. (2018). La Percepción Y El Conocimiento Sobre El Ciberplagio en Los Estudiantes Universitarios De Nuevo Ingreso (Doctoral dissertation, Universidad del Turabo (Puerto Rico)).


Muñoz-Cantero, J. M., Rebollo-Quintela, N., Mosteiro-García, J., & Ocampo-Gómez, C. I. (2019). Validación del cuestionario de atribuciones para la detección de coincidencias en trabajos académicos. RELIEVE-Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa, 25(1).


Rebollo-Quintela, N., Espiñeira-Bellón, E. M., & Muñoz-Cantero, J. M. (2017). Atribuciones causales en el plagio académico por parte de los estudiantes universitarios. Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación, (6), 192-196.


Sun, X., & Hu, G. (2019). What do academics know and do about plagiarism? An interview study with Chinese university teachers of English. Ethics & Behavior, 1-21.


Руденко, Я., Якуніна, Н. В., & Чинюк, А. А. (2016). Основи формування культури академічної доброчесності в бібліотеці.



Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Hu, G., & Sun, X. (2016). Chinese university EFL teachers’ knowledge of and stance on plagiarism. [Conocimientos y actitudes ante el plagio del profesorado de lengua inglesa en universidades chinas]. Comunicar, 48, 29-37. https://doi.org/10.3916/C48-2016-03



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