


在这个技术空前发展的全球化媒体社会里,高等教育机构也在改变其教育模式以面对这个新的挑战。本研究目的在于测定学生们对自己媒体能力的自我认识,和实施中的一个培训实验的生态模式的差异性影响。我们使用了混合研究方法,既是定量性(描述推理性分析)也是定性式(得自开放报告内容)分析。总共808名2015-2016年在不同国家和大学中心注册课程的学生(师资培训与教育的老师,西班牙奥维耶多大学和墨西哥理工学院的经济商业学的老师 )完成了有关媒体能力的问卷调查,并就他们对生态系统模式的经验撰写了开放式报告。结果显示,大学生对自己媒体能力水平有着良好的自我认识,认为通过横向培训和生态系统培训模式的方法来发展媒体能力很重要。最后,研究显示,这些模型改变技术使之适应终端用户,有利于大学教学过程并提高他们的媒体能力。


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引述 Web of Science

Castro Zubizarreta, Ana; Briones Perez, Elena; Izquierdo Magaldi, Belen. Co-teaching in the university context as a strategy for teaching innovation NATIONAL CONGRESS OF EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION AND NETWORK TEACHING (IN-NETWORK 2017), 2017.


Alenezi, Ahmed Maajoon. A Survey for the Evaluation of Faculty Trainings on Designing E-courses for the University Faculty Members' Skill Enhancement INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES, 2017.


Avdeeva, S. M.; Ilchenko, O. A.; Nikulicheva, N. V.; Khapaeva, S. S.; . Comparative analysis of ITT-competence and media competence of the teacher: approaches to their formation and evaluation MEDIAOBRAZOVANIE-MEDIA EDUCATION, 2017.


Alvarez-Arregui, Emilio; Rodriguez-Martin, Alejandro; Agudo Prado, Susana; Arreguit, Xavier. Inclusive ecosystem model for the management of knowledge, training and innovation: progress, difficulties and challenges AULA ABIERTA, 2017.


Garcia Montero, Ana Carine; Aguaded, Ignacio; Ferres, Joan; . Organizational Media Competence: A Systematic Review of Scientific Literature in Web of Science DIXIT, 2017.


Islas Torres, Claudia; Carranza Alcantar, Maria del Rocio. Digital ecosystems and their manifestation in learning: Analysis of literature RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA, 2017.


Kozlova, Oksana; Tkachenko, Olga; Anashkina, Natalia. Media Competence in the Structure of Professional Characteristics of Experts in Advertising and Marketing MEDIAOBRAZOVANIE-MEDIA EDUCATION, 2018.


Saleh, Majd; Abel, Marie-Helene. System of Information Systems to support learners (a case study at the University of Technology of Compiegne) BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 2018.


Alvarez-Arregui, Emilio; Arreguit, Xavier;. The future of the University and the University of the Future. Ecosystems of continuous training for a learning and teaching society sustainable and responsible AULA ABIERTA , 2019.


O'Neill; Stephanie Arreguit;. Fostering Data Literacy Across Fields AULA ABIERTA , 2019.


Alvarez-Arregui; Emilio;. The evolution of the University in the Learning and Teaching Society: The value of skills in professional and personal development AULA ABIERTA , 2019.


Marin-Gutierrez, Isidro; Rivera-Rogel, Diana; Velasquez Benavides, Andrea Victoria; Garcia Ruiz, Rosa; . MEDIA COMPETRENCES IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN LATIN AMERICA PRISMA SOCIAL, 2019.


Khorolsky, Viktor; Kozhemyakin, Evgeny. Media Education, Media Industry, Mass Media Theory: Interrelations and Conflict of Interests MEDIAOBRAZOVANIE-MEDIA EDUCATION, 2019.


Ordonez Olmedo, Eva; Baldomero Ramirez-Fernandez, Miguel. Diagnosis of the Skills of the Master's Degree: Case Study at the University Pablo of Olavide JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2017.



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Isabel Rodriguez-Vazquez, Ana; Garcia-Ruiz, Rosa; Aguaded, Ignacio; . Education and Communication Public Policy: Discussions and Developments EDUCACION MEDIOS COM, 2020.



Link Google Scholar

Saez, Virginia; . Characteristics of media literacy education at the secondary level: An Argentinian case study ACTUALIDADES PEDAGOGICAS, 2019.


Bernal-Bravo, Cesar; Gozalvez, Vicent; Hernando Gomez, Angel; Masanet Jorda, Maria Jose. Relationship between university training and teachers' media competence REVISTA COMPLUTENSE DE EDUCACION, 2019.


Rodriguez-Fernandez, JR and Diez-Gutierrez, EJ. Analysis of Public Administration's Continuous Training Programs. A Case Study REVISTA ELECTRONICA EDUCARE, 2022.


Navarro-Espinosa, Johanna Andrea; Vaquero-Abellan, Manuel; Perea-Moreno, Alberto-Jesus; Pedros-Perez, Gerardo; Aparicio-Martinez, Pilar; Martinez-Jimenez, M. Pilar; . The Higher Education Sustainability before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Spanish and Ecuadorian Case Creat. Educ, 2021.


Tang, Q; Abell, MH and Negre, E. Improve Performance of Recommender System in Collaborative Learning Environment based on Learner Tracks PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, 2020.


Ortega-Rodriguez, PJ; Gomez-Garcia, M; (...); Soto-Varela, R. Media literacy of university students for creating digital contents INNOEDUCA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Marín-Gutiérrez, I., Rivera-Rogel, D., Benavides, A.V.V., Ruíz, R.G. . Media competences in university students in Latin America | [COMPETENCIAS MEDIÁTICAS EN ESTUDIANTES UNIVERSITARIOS/AS DE IBEROAMÉRICA]), Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, .

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Luque, A.M.F.. On-the-job digital competence training for health professionals [La formación en competencias digitales de los profesionales de la salud en el lugar de trabajoa]), Revista Cubana de Informacion en Ciencias de la Salud, .

Link Google Scholar

Bernal-Bravo, C., Gozálvez, V., Gómez, Á.H., Jorda, M.J.M.. Relationship between university training, teachers’ media competence [Relación entre formación universitaria y competencia mediática del profesorado]), Revista Complutense de Educacion, .


Saleh, M., Abel, M.-H.. System of Information Systems to support learners (a case study at the University of Technology of Compiègne)), Behaviour and Information Technology, .


Olmedo, E.O., Ramírez-Fernández, M.B.. Diagnosis of the skills of the master's degree: Case Study at the university Pablo of Olavide), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .


Rodríguez-Vázquez, A.I., García-Ruiz, R., Aguaded, I. . Education and communication public policy: Discussions and developments | [Políticas públicas en Educación y Comunicación: Debates y avances]), Tripodos, .

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Álvarez-Arregui, E. . The evolution of the University in the Learning and Teaching Society: The value of skills in professional and personal development | [Evolución de la Universidad en la Sociedad del Aprendizaje y la Ensenañza. El valor de las competencias en el desarrollo profesional y personal]), Aula Abierta, .


O'Neill, S.A. . Fostering Data Literacy across Fields | [Fomento de la alfabetización de datos en todos los ámbitos]), Aula Abierta, .


Álvarez-Arregui, E., Arreguit, X. . The future of the University and the University of the Future. Ecosystems of continuous training for a learning and teaching society sustainable and responsible | [El futuro de la Universidad y la Universidad del Futuro. Ecosistemas de formación continua para una sociedad de aprendizaje y ensenañza sostenible y responsable]), Aula Abierta, .


Espinosa-Navarro, J.A., Vaquero-Abellán, M., Perea-Moreno, A.-J., (...), Aparicio-Martínez, P., Martínez-Jiménez, P. . The higher education sustainability before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A spanish and ecuadorian case), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Tang, Q., Abel, M.-H., Negre, E. . Improve performance of recommender system in collaborative learning environment based on learner tracks), Tripodos, .

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Olmedo, E. O., & Fernndez, M. R. (2017). Diagnosis of the Skills of the Master’s Degree: Case Study at the University Pablo of Olavide. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (NAER Journal), 6(2), 159-164.


García Montero, A. C., Aguaded, I., & Ferrés, J. (2017). Competencia mediática organizacional. Dixit, (27), 74-87.


Olmedo, E. O., & Ramírez-Fernández, M. B. Diagnóstico de las competencias de los másteres oficiales: estudio de caso en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.


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Alenezi, A. M. (2017). A Survey for the Evaluation of Faculty Trainings on Designing E-courses for the University Faculty Members’ Skill Enhancement. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 19(1), 24-34.


Marín Gutiérrez, I., Rivera Rogel, D., Velásquez Benavides, A., & García-Ruiz, R. (2019). Competencias mediáticas en estudiantes universitarios/as de Iberoamérica.


Fernández Luque, A. M. (2019). La formación en competencias digitales de los profesionales de la salud en el lugar de trabajo. Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud, 30(2).


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Fernández Luque, A. M. (2019). On-the-job digital competence training for health professionals. Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED), 30(2), 1-21.


Bernal-Bravo, C., Gozálvez, V., Gómez, Á. H., & Jorda, M. J. M. Relación entre formación universitaria y competencia mediática del profesorado1.


Castro Zubizarreta, A., Izquierdo Magaldi, B., & García-Ruiz, R. (2017). Innovación docente en la universidad mediante co-docencia y mentoría. Prácticas innovadoras inclusivas: retos y oportunidades.


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