


联系性大脑的构建在人类发展的早期就开始了,然而目前而言,我们获得的对个体大脑和集体大脑的知识很少被整合到早期儿童数学课堂中去。尽管如此,很显然,就是在这些年龄段中,数学学习在决策、解决问题、数据处理和理解世界中扮演着核心角色。从这个角度出发,我们的研究着眼于分析基于联结主义的早期数学教学,就这个专门问题而言,一方面,测定那些促进互联性的数学实践的特征,另一方面,识别增强联系性智力的不同数学性联系的种类。我们使用了行为研究与扎根理论相结合的研究方法指导下的解释性范式,在两个连续学年中开展研究。研究结果让我们能总结这套系列教学活动的模型的特征,这套教学在儿童联系性智力的发展中提倡三种类型的数学性联系:概念性的 – 为他们提高数学概念之间的关联,教育性的 – 通过一种积极的方法来联系数学概念,和实践性的 – 把数学和环境联系起来。


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引述 Web of Science

Luisa Novo, Maria; Berciano, Ainhoa; Alsina, Angel. Conceptual Mathematical Connections in the 4-Year-Old Classroom REDIMAT-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EN DIDACTICA DE LAS MATEMATICAS, 2019.


Cerda, Gamal; Aragon, Estibaliz; Perez, Carlos; Navarro, Jose, I; Aguilar, Manuel. The Open Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) Method: An Effective Instructional Approach to Domain-Specific Precursors o f Arithmetic Development FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2018.


Beltran-Pellicer, Pablo; Giacomone, Belen; Burgos, Maria. Online educational videos according to specific didactics: the case of mathematics CULTURA Y EDUCACION, 2018.


Alsina, Angel; Maurandi, Antonio; Ferre, Elvira;. Validating an Instrument to Evaluate the Teaching of Mathematics Through Processes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION , 2020.


Martinez-Juste, Sergio; Munoz-Escolano, Jose M.; Oller-Marcen, Antonio M.;. An action research experience to teach compound proportional situations ENSENANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS , 2019.


Berciano-Alcaraz, A; Salgado-Somoza, M and Jimenez-Gestal, C. Computer Literacy in Early Childhood Education: Difficulties and Benefits in a 3-year-old Classroom REVISTA ELECTRONICA EDUCARE, 2022.


Novo, ML. Mathematics in Early Childhood Education: the importance of play and manipulative materials EDMA 0-6-EDUCACION MATEMATICA EN LA INFANCIA, 2021.

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Novo, ML and Monje, E. Emotions and mathematical activities integrated into a story in a three-year-old classroom EDMA 0-6-EDUCACION MATEMATICA EN LA INFANCIA, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Cerda, G., Aragón, E., Pérez, C., Navarro, J.I., Aguilar, M.. The open Algorithm Based on Numbers (ABN) Method: An effective instructional approach to domain-specific precursors of arithmetic development), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Martínez-Juste, S., Muñoz-Escolano, J.M., Oller-Marcén, A.M.. An action research experience to teach compound proportional situations [Una experiencia de investigación-acción para la enseñanza de la proporcionalidad compuesta]), Ensenanza de las Ciencias, .


Alsina, A., Maurandi, A., Ferre, E., Coronata, C. . Validating an Instrument to Evaluate the Teaching of Mathematics Through Processes), International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, .


Beltran-Pellicer, P., Giacomone, B., Burgos, M.. Online educational videos according to specific didactics: The case of mathematics [Los Vídeos educativos en línea desde las didácticas específicas: El caso de las matemáticas]), Cultura y Educacion, .


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