Ключевые слова

Formative assessment, higher education, teacher training, skills communicative, university students, graduate, university teacher


The purpose of this study is to analyze the perception of students, graduates, and lecturers in relation to systems of formative and shared assessment and to the acquisition of teaching competences regarding communication and the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in initial teacher education (ITE) on degrees in Primary Teaching Physical Education (PTPE) and Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS). An ad hoc questionnaire was applied to a total sample of 1,243 students, 487 graduates and 345 lecturers from 24 Spanish universities that cover most of Spain’s Regional Autonomous Communities. The results from the questionnaires indicate that for all three groups the most relevant element in the assessment process is the teacher-student interaction, and the second most relevant are the competences in interpersonal relationships. Significant differences are also found in practically all the items in the questionnaire between the responses of lecturers and students and between those of students and graduates. In our detailed study of the perceptions of students regarding their competence in ICT, those taking the degree in PTPE perceive a greater use of ICT than those taking the degree in PESS. The same difference was found with students under 22 years of age in relation to the older students. No gender differences were found.


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Marin-Gonzalez, F; Senior-Naveda, A; (...); Sierralta, BP. Generation of Programmatic Contents by Competencies: A Technological and Systemic View of Higher Education FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2022.


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Цитаты в Scopus

Galán, C.H., Moreno-Murcia, J.A., Martín, R.B.. Means of assessment, development of competences in higher education for physical education students [Medios de evaluación y desarrollo de competencias en educación superior en estudiantes de educación física]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .


Gallardo-Fuentes, F., López-Pastor, V.M., Carter-Tuhillier, B.. Effects of the application of a formative, shared assessment system on the self-perception of competences acquired in pre-service teacher education [Efectos de la aplicación de un sistema de evaluación formativa en la autopercepción de competencias adquiridas en formación inicial del profesorado]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .


Cañadas, L., Castejón, F.J., Santos-Pastor, M.L.. Relationship between students’ participation in assessment, grading in physical education teachers’ initial training [Relación entre la participación del alumnado en la evaluación y la calificación en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física]), Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, .


Castejón, F.J., Santos-Pastor, M.L., Cañadas, L.. Development of teaching competencies in initial physical education teacher training: The relationship with assessment instruments [Desarrollo de competencias docentes en la formación inicial del profesorado de educación física. Relación con los instrumentos de evaluación]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .


Barrios Barreto, M., Pachón Flores, C., Rodríguez Tovar, L., (...), Acurero Luzardo, M., Henao Granada, A. . Profile of the teacher of the physiotherapy program around competences in information and communication technologies | [Perfil del profesor del programa de fisioterapia en torno a las competencias en tecnologías de la información y la comunicación]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .

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Gutiérrez, C., Hortigüela, D., Peral, Z., Pueyo, A.P.. Students' Perceptions of the Acquisition of Competences in a Degree Program in Primary Teaching with Concentration in Physical Education [Percepciones de Alumnos del Grado en Maestro en Educación Primaria con Mención en Educación Física sobre la Adquisición de Competencias]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .


Sosa, O.G., Manzuoli, C.H.. Models for the pedagogical integration of information, communication technologies: A literature review [Modelos para a integração pedagógica de tecnologias de informação e comunicação: Uma revisão da literatura] [Modelos para la integración pedagógica de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: Una revisión de la literatura]), Ensaio, .


Cobano-Delgado, V.C., Llorent-Bedmar, V., Sianes-Bautista, A.. Formación inicial de profesionales de educación infantil en Alemania y Suecia), Perfiles Educativos, .


Martínez, P.M., Gómez Carrasco, C.J., Fernández, J.M.. Perceptions on the use of ict resources, «mass-media» for the teaching of history. a comparative study among future teachers of spain-england [Percepciones sobre el uso de recursos tic y «mass-media» para la enseñanza de la historia. un estudio comparativo en futuros docentes de españa-inglaterra]), Educacion XX1, .


Fuentes, A., López, J., Pozo, S. . Analysis of the digital teaching competence: Key factor in the performance of active pedagogies with augmented reality | [Análisis de la competencia digital docente: Factor clave en el desempeño de pedagogías activas con realidad aumentada]), Educacion XX1, .


García-Prieto, F.J., Pozuelos-Estrada, F.J., Álvarez-álvarez, C.. Evaluation of the learning students by novel university teachers [La Evaluación de aprendizajes del alumnado por parte del profesorado universitario novel]), Formacion Universitaria, .


Carmen Sarceda-Gorgoso, M., Caldeiro-Pedreira, M.-C., Guevara-Betancourt, S.. Perception of technology as an assessment tool. A comparative analysis from the learner’s perspective), Digital Education Review, .

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Seroussi, D.-E., Sharon, R., Peled, Y., Yaffe, Y.. Reflections on peer feedback in disciplinary courses as a tool in pre-service teacher training), Cambridge Journal of Education, .


López Pastor, V.M., Soria, M.M., Arias, C.P., Arribas, J.C.M. . The importance of using formative and shared assessment in physical education teacher education: Tutored learning projects as an example of good practice | [La importancia de utilizar la Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado de Educación Física: Los Proyectos de Aprendizaje Tutorado como ejemplo de buena práctica]), Retos, .


Guillén-Gámez, F.D., Peña, M.P. . Univariate analysis of digital competence in physical education: An empirical study | [Análisis Univariante de la Competencia Digital en Educación Física: Un estudio empírico]), Retos, .


Hernández-Lara, A.B., Serradell-López, E., Fitó-Bertran, À.. Students’ perception of the impact of competences on learning: An analysis with business simulations), Computers in Human Behavior, .


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López-Belmonte, J., Pozo-Sánchez, S., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., Rodríguez-Jiménez, C. . Teachers' perceptions of blended learning in teaching cooperatives in southern Spain | [Percepciones docentes sobre el blended learning en las cooperativas de enseñanza del sur de España]), Revista Lasallista de Investigacion, .


Moura, A., Graça, A., MachPhail, A., Batista, P. . Aligning the principles of assessment for learning to learning in physical education: A review of literature), Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, .


Guillén-Gámez, F.D., Peña, M.P. . Univariate analysis of digital competence in physical education: An empirical study | [Análisis Univariante de la Competencia Digital en Educación Física: Un estudio empírico]), Retos, .

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Cabero-Almenara, J., Romero-Tena, R., Palacios-Rodríguez, A. . Evaluation of teacher digital competence frameworks through expert judgement: The use of the expert competence coefficient), Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, .


Romero Yesa, S., Aláez-Martínez, M., Ferran Zubillaga, A., García-Olalla, A. . A good practice for making training accessible to university faculty members through ICTs: syllabus planning support training), Universal Access in the Information Society, .


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Tinoco-Giraldo, H., Sánchez, E.M.T., Peñalvo, F.J.G. . Evaluation of the perception of competency domain levels in work internship | [Evaluación de la percepción de los niveles de dominio competencial en práctica laboral]), Estudios Pedagogicos, .


Pascual-Arias, C., Soria, M.M. . Assessing to learn in the “Practicum”: A proposal for Formative and Shared Assessment during Pre-service Teacher Education | [对实践课程的学习进行评估: 在教师初级培训期间对共享培训评估的建议]), Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla, .


Cañadas, L., Santos-Pastor, M.L., Castejón, F.J. . Physical education teachers’ competencies and assessment in professional practice), Apunts. Educacion Fisica y Deportes, .


Monteagudo‐Fernández, J., Rodríguez‐Pérez, R.A., Escribano-Miralles, A., Rodríguez-García, A.M. . Perceptions of secondary education students on the teaching of history, through the use of ICT and digital resources | [Percepciones de los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria sobre la enseñanza de la historia, a través del uso de las TIC y recursos digitales]), Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formacion del Profesorado, .


Romero-García, C., Buzón-García, O., de Paz-Lugo, P. . Improving future teachers' digital competence using active methodologies), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


García-Martínez, J.A., Muñoz-Carril, P.C., González-Sanmamed, M. . Personal learning environments: A comparative study between Costa Rican elementary and high school teachers in training and practice | [Entornos personales de aprendizaje: Un estudio comparativo entre profesores costarricenses en formación y en ejercicio]), Estudios Sobre Educacion, .


Nieto, G.P., Rubio Muñoz, F.J., Navarro Prados, A.B., Fraile, B.M. . Teaching-life histories: An analysis of initial and continuing training for twenty-first-century teachers | [Testimonios de vida docente: Un análisis de la formación inicial y continua para el profesorado del siglo XXI]), Estudios Sobre Educacion, .


García-Martínez, J.A., González-Sanmamed, M. . Communication and interaction as key aspects of personal learning environments: Perspectives of Costa rican education students | [A Comunicação e a interação como aspectos-chave do ambiente pessoal de aprendizagem: Perspectiva de estudantes costa-riquenhos de educação]), Revista Electronica Educare, .


Arigita-García, A., Sánchez-Cabrero, R., Barrientos-Fernández, A., Mañoso-Pacheco, L., Pericacho-Gómez, F.J. . Pre-eminence of determining factors in second language learning: An educator's perspective from Spain), Heliyon, .


Gudmundsdottir, G.B., Gassó, H.H., Rubio, J.C.C., Hatlevik, O.E. . Student teachers’ responsible use of ICT: Examining two samples in Spain and Norway), Computers and Education, .


López‌belmonte, J., Pozo‌sánchez, S., Fuentes‌cabrera, A., López‌núñez, J.A.. Content creation, flipped learning: A necessary pairing for education in the new millennium [Creación de contenidos y flipped learning: Un binomio necesario para la educación del nuevo milenio]), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .


Calderón-Garrido, D., Carrera, X., Gustems-Carnicer, J. . Music education teachers' knowledge and use of ict at spanish universities), International Journal of Instruction, .


Sadio-Ramos, F.J., Ortiz-Molina, M.A., del Mar Bernabé-Villodre, M. . Developing creativity through ICT and Music Teachers' Training: A biographical experience | [Desenvolvimento de competências por meio das TIC e formação de professores de Música: Uma experiência biográfica]), Texto Livre, .


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Cañadas, L., Pastor, M.L.S., Bravo, P.R. . Percepción del impacto de la evaluación formativa en las competencias profesionales durante la formación inicial del profesorado | [Perception of Impact of Formative Assessment on Professional Competences During Initial Teacher Training]), Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa, .


Sánchez-Cabrero, R., Casado-Pérez, J., Arigita-García, A., (...), Gil-Pareja, D., Sánchez-Rico, A. . E-assessment in E-learning degrees: Comparison vs. face-to-face assessment through perceived stress and academic performance in a longitudinal study), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), .


Alonso-Sainz, T. . What characterizes a "good teacher"? Perceptions from its protagonists | [QUÉ CARACTERIZA A UN "bUEN DOCENTE"? PERCEPCIONES DE SUS PROTAGONISTAS]), Profesorado, .


Gallardo-Fuentes, F., Carter-Thuillier, B.I., López-Pastor, V.M., Ojeda-Nahuelcura, R., Fuentes-Nieto, T. . Assessment systems in Physical Education teacher training: A case study in Chilean context | [Sistemas de evaluación en la formación del profesorado de Educación Física: un estudio de casos en contexto chileno]), Retos, .


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López-Fraile, L.A., Agüero, M.M., Jiménez-García, E.. Effect of challenge-based learning on academic performance rates in communication degree programs at the European University of Madrid), Formacion Universitaria, .


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Fraile, B.M., Parra-Nieto, G., Rubio-Muñoz, F.-J.. PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE OF TEACHER TRAINING IN SPAIN ), Cadernos de Pesquisa, .


Marín-González, F., Senior-Naveda, A., Ferrer, L.Y., Perozo Sierralta, B.. Generation of Programmatic Contents by Competencies: A Technological and Systemic View of Higher Education), Frontiers in Education, .


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Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Romero-Martín, R., Castejón-Oliva, F., López-Pastor, V., & Fraile-Aranda, A. (2017). Formative assessment, communication skills and ICT in Initial teacher education. [Evaluación formativa, competencias comunicativas y TIC en la formación del profesorado]. Comunicar, 52, 73-82. https://doi.org/10.3916/C52-2017-07



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