


本研究的目的是了解与 不同类型完美主义相关的描述性成分:顺应型/健康完美主义,顺应不良型/不健康完美主义或非完美主义。这些类型会对获取成功产生积极或消极的影响。研究采用平均年龄13.77岁(SD = 1.99)的高智商学生( N = 137)作为样本,挖掘作为多维建构完美主义其潜在结构的数量和内容,根据不同类型完美主义来分析积极和消极完美主义之间的联系。研究使用的计量表为近乎完美主义量表(APS-R)和积极消极完美主义量表-12 (PNPS-12)。结果显示三种潜在类型的完美主义:“不健康”(CL1),“健康”(CL2)和“非完美主义者”(CL3)。 CL1在差异性分量表中显示高分,但在有序和高标准分量表中分数较低。 CL2在高标准和秩序分量表中显示更高的分数。 CL3在完美主义各个表现方面都显示低分。完美主义领域潜在的不同类型间具有统计显著性差异。同样,研究还发现与积极和消极完美主义潜在类别相关的不同模式。研究结果使我们能够关注高智商学生中完美主义的潜在结构,从而可以确定,分析和了解可能出现的完美主义潜在类型。



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引述 Web of Science

Moller-Recondo, Claudia; D'aAmato, Juan-Pablo;. New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence COMUNICAR , 2020.


Klimecka, E. Advantages and Disadvantages of Being 'Gifted': Perceptions of the Label by Gifted Pupils RESEARCH PAPERS IN EDUCATION, 2022.


Livazovic, G and Kuzmanovic, K. Predicting adolescent perfectionism: The role of socio-demographic traits, personal relationships, and media WORLD JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CASES, 2022.


Sastre-Riba, S. Relationship between competence and performance: resources regulation in high capacity MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRES, 2022.

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引述 Scopus

Möller-Recondo, C., DAmato, J.-P. . New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence), Comunicar, .


Isabel Gómez-León, M. . Psychobiology of motivation in the development of giftedness. Bibliographical review | [La psicobiología de la motivación en el desarrollo de las altas capacidades intelectuales. Revisión bibliográfica]), Psiquiatria Biologica, .


Klimecká, E.. Advantages and Disadvantages of Being ‘Gifted’: Perceptions of the Label by Gifted Pupils), Research Papers in Education, .


Sastre-Riba, S.. Relationship between competence and performance: resources regulation in high capacity.), Medicina , .

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Livazović, G., Kuzmanović, K.. Predicting adolescent perfectionism: The role of socio-demographic traits, personal relationships, and media), World Journal of Clinical Cases, .


Klimecka, E.. Modification of the School Curriculum as an Opportunity for the Elitism of Gifted Students), Orbis Scholae, .


引述 Google Scholar

Möller-Recondo, C., & D'Amato, J. P. (2020). New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence. Comunicar, 28(64), 73-83.


Lubis, F. Y., Hawadi, L. F., Salim, R. M. A., & Purwono, U. (2020). Maladaptive Perfectionism and Academic Achievement in Indonesian Gifted Undergraduate Students: Goal Adjustment as Moderator. Psympathic: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi, 7(2), 169-184.


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Lobato Ruiz, N. (2020). La desmitificación de la figura genio-artista en educación preuniversitaria. Consideraciones para una intervención artístico-educativa híbrida a través del centro de arte local.




Ramírez, A. J. R., Arreola, D. I. C., & Renova, H. F. P. Conocimiento y variables relacionadas en la atención de estudiantes con aptitud sobresaliente en bachillerato.


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Gómez-León, M. I. (2020). La psicobiología de la motivación en el desarrollo de las altas capacidades intelectuales. Revisión bibliográfica. Psiquiatría Biológica.


Möller-Recondo, C. (2020). Nuevos genios-emprendedores: Itinerario y trayectorias de excelencia educativa universitaria. Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación, 28(64), 73-83.





Sastre-Riba, S., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., & Ortuño-Sierra, J. (2019). From high intellectual ability to genius: Profiles of perfectionism. [Desde la alta capacidad intelectual hacia el genio: Perfiles de perfeccionismo]. Comunicar, 60, 9-17. https://doi.org/10.3916/C60-2019-01



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