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引述 Web of Science

Luna, Ursula; Canto Herrera, Pedro Jose; Zapata Gonzalez, Alfredo; Ibanez-Etxeberna, Alex; . Apps, education and heritage in Mexico. Situation analysis and comparative study with the Spanish case 14° estudio sobre los habitos de los usuarios de internet en Mexico, 2020.


Villarrubia-Martinez, Andrea; Aguaded Gomez, Ignacio; Delgado-Ponce, Agueda; . Chilean Childhoods and the multiscreen. Novasur digital platform's contents diversity Pedagogia y Saberes, 2020.


Lopez Gomez, Silvia; Martin Gomez, Sebastian; Vidal Esteve, Maria Isabel; . Analysis of mobile applications aimed at early childhood: technical, pedagogical, design and content characteristics REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIA EDUCATIVA-RELATEC, 2021.


Ortega-Mohedano, Felix; Pinto-Hernandez, Fernando; . Predicting wellbeing in children's use of smart screen devices 5 Estudio AIMC Niu@s, 2021.


Nunez-Gomez, Patricia; Ortega-Mohedano, Felix; Larranaga-Martinez, Kepa; . Habits of use and consumption of smart screens among children from 7 to 9 years old in Spain Quinto Estudio AIMC Nin@s, 2019, 2021.


Gomez-Diaz, Raquel; Garcia-Rodriguez, Araceli; . Smart speakers and skills: a tool to encourage children's reading? International journal of advanced science and technology, 2020.


Munoz Arteaga, Jaime; Munoz Zavala, Angel E.; Cardona Reyes, Hector; . Challenges of inclusive teaching at elementary school level during COVID-19 Revista El mundo de la educacion, 2022.


Renaud, Karen; Prior, Suzanne; . The "three M's" counter-measures to children's risky online behaviors: mentor, mitigate and monitor International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2021.


Gallardo-Montes, Carmen del Pilar; Caurcel Cara, Maria Jesus; Crisol Moya, Emilio; Jarque Fernandez, Sonia; . Assessment of Apps Aimed at Developing Basic Instrumental Skills in Autistic Children and Teenagers Rev. Nac. Int. Educ. Inclusiva, 2021.


Gallardo Montes, Carmen del Pilar; Rodriguez Fuentes, Antonio; Caurcel Cara, Maria Jesus; . Apps for people with autism: Assessment, classification and ranking of the best Rev. Nac. Int. Educ. Inclusiva, 2021.


del Pilar Gallardo-Montes, Carmen; Caurcel Cara, Maria Jesus; Fuentes, Antonio Rodriguez; . Technologies in the education of children and teenagers with autism: evaluation and classification of apps by work areas Rev. Nac. Int. Educ. Inclusiva, 2000.


Israel Morales-Paredes, Pablo; Medina-Chicaiza, Patricio; . CYBERSECURITY FOR LEARNING PLATFORMS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN TUNGURAHUA PROVINCE OF ECUADOR Introduccion. Estado Del Arte De La Ciberseguridad, 2021.


Kerexeta-Brazal, I; Darretxe-Urrutxi, L and Martinez-Monje, PM. Digital Teaching Competence and Educational Inclusion at school. A systematic review CAMPUS VIRTUALES, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Luna, Ú., Herrera, P.J.C., González, A.Z., Ibáñez-Etxeberria, A. . Apps, education and heritage in Mexico. Situation analysis and comparative study with the Spanish case | [Apps, educación y patrimonio en México. Análisis de situación y estudio com-parativo con el caso español]), Aula Abierta, .


Ortega-Mohedano, F., Pinto-Hernández, F. . Predicting wellbeing in children’s use of smart screen devices | [Predicción del bienestar sobre el uso de pantallas inteligentes de los niños]), Comunicar, .


Arteaga, J.M., Munoz Zavala, A.E., Reyes, H.C. . Challenges of inclusive teaching at elementary school level during CoVId-19 | [Retos de la ensenanza inclusiva a nivel educacion primaria durante la contingencia CoVId-19]), Children, .


Gómez-Díaz, R., García-Rodríguez, A. . Altavoces inteligentes y skills: ¿una herramienta para fomentar la lectura infantil?), BiD, .


Nunez-Gomez, P., Ortega-Mohedano, F., Larranaga-Martinez, K. . Habits of use and consumption of smart screens among children from 7 to 9 years old in Spain | [Hábitos de uso y consumo de pantallas inteligentes entre ninõs/as de 7 a 9 anõs en Espana]), BiD, .


Gallardo-Montes, C.D.P., Caurcel Cara, M.J., Crisol Moya, E., Jarque Fernández, S. . Assessment of apps aimed at developing basic instrumental skills in autistic children and teenagers), Mathematics, .


Gallardo Montes, C.D.P., Rodríguez Fuentes, A., Caurcel Cara, M.J. . Apps for people with autism: Assessment, classification and ranking of the best), Technology in Society, .


Renaud, K., Prior, S. . The “three M’s” counter-measures to children’s risky online behaviors: mentor, mitigate and monitor), Information and Computer Security, .


Gallardo-Montes, C.P., Caurcel Cara, M.J., Rodríguez Fuentes, A. . Technologies in the education of children and teenagers with autism: evaluation and classification of apps by work areas), Education and Information Technologies, .


Crescenzi-Lanna, L.. The developmental appropriateness of digital games and its impact on young children's enjoyment and playtime), International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, .


Gómez-Díaz, R., García-Rodríguez, A. . Altaveus intel·ligents i skills: una eina per fomentar la lectura infantil?), BiD, .


Díaz-Barahona, J., Esteve, T.V., Moya-Mata, I.. Stereotypes associated with the human body: analysis of mobile devices applications used in physical and sports education), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


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