Palavras chave

Competência, aprendizagem baseada em projetos, STEAM, formato KIKS, educação secundária, internacionalização


Os currículos de educação secundária destacam a aprendizagem por competências, entretanto, atualmente, não se observam mudanças substanciais nos hábitos de intervenção em sala de aula. As iniciativas implementadas se concentram principalmente em impulsionar o desenvolvimento conjunto de, no máximo, três competências-chave. Este artigo apresenta um estudo internacional, no âmbito dos programas Erasmus+ e H2020, com o objetivo de estabelecer relações entre a aprendizagem baseada em projetos STEAM com formato KIKS (Kids Inspire Kids for STEAM) e o desenvolvimento global das competências-chave. A amostra inclui 267 estudantes do ensino médio, distribuídos em 53 equipes, pertencentes a 29 centros da Finlândia, Inglaterra, Hungria e Espanha. Cada equipe elaborou vários projetos, durante, pelo menos, dois anos letivos, mediante as seguintes abordagens de implementação: aprendizagem baseada em projetos STEAM e formato KIKS. Os dados deste estudo qualitativo foram obtidos por meio de observações e entrevistas com estudantes, professores e formadores KIKS. As análises revelaram que a combinação de ambas as abordagens favoreceu o desenvolvimento das oito competências-chave. A aprendizagem por projetos favoreceu, essencialmente, o desenvolvimento da competência matemática e a competência em ciência, tecnologia e engenharia, enquanto que o formato KIKS potencializou as competências de letramento e multilíngues. O restante das competências foi estimulado pela combinação de ambas as abordagens. Vale ressaltar que a participação prolongada no programa de implementação foi determinante nos resultados obtidos.

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Citado por

Citas em Web of Science

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Diego-Mantecon, JM; Haro, E; (...); Romo-Vazquez, A. The chimera of the competency-based approach to teaching mathematics: a study of carpentry purchases for home projects EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS, 2021.

Marin-Marin, JA; Moreno-Guerrero, AJ; (...); Lopez-Belmonte, J. STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEM EDUCATION, 2021.

Tome, V and De Abreu, BS. Crossing Steam and Media Literacy at Preschool and Primary School Levels: Teacher Training, Workshop Planning, its Implementation, Monitoring and Assessment MEDIA LITERACY AND ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2022.

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Ramirez, JNG; Doig, SGA; (...); Hernandez, RM. Development of pre-professional practice in the non-classroom context: experiences in early childhood education PROPOSITOS Y REPRESENTACIONES, 2021.

Diego-Mantecon, JM; Prodromou, T; (...); Ortiz-Laso, Z. An attempt to evaluate STEAM project-based instruction from a school mathematics perspective ZDM-MATHEMATICS EDUCATION, 2021.

Mendez, VG; Magana, EC; (...); Ariza, AC. Technology-enhanced mathematics learning in Europe: a literature review TEXTO LIVRE-LINGUAGEM E TECNOLOGIA, 2022.

Herrero, AC; Recio, T; (...); Velez, MP. From the Steam Engine to STEAM Education: An Experience with Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers MATHEMATICS, 2023.

Guallar, J; Hernandez-Campillo, TR and Codina, L. Content curation in scientific articles. Categories and cases TELOS-REVISTA INTERDISCIPLINARIA EN CIENCIAS SOCIALES, 2022.

Citas em Scopus

Marín-Marín, J.-A., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Dúo-Terrón, P., López-Belmonte, J. . STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science), International Journal of STEM Education, .

Diego-Mantecón, J.M., Haro, E., Blanco, T.F., Romo-Vázquez, A. . The chimera of the competency-based approach to teaching mathematics: a study of carpentry purchases for home projects), Educational Studies in Mathematics, .

Diego-Mantecon, J.-M., Prodromou, T., Lavicza, Z., Blanco, T.F., Ortiz-Laso, Z. . An attempt to evaluate STEAM project-based instruction from a school mathematics perspective), ZDM - Mathematics Education, .

Blanco, T.F., González-Roel, V., Diego-Mantecón, J.-M., Ortiz-Laso, Z. . Analysis of the art-mathematics conexion in elementary school textbooks | [Análisis de la conexión arte-matemáticas en los libros de texto de Educación Primaria]), Educacion Matematica, .

Lozano-Arias, J., Rodríguez-Sedano, F.J., González-Alonso, M.-I., Conde, M.Á. . Using Educational Robotic Exoskeleton for the Acquisition of Cross-Curricular Competences in Higher Education), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .

Santamaria, Karina Gricelda Santa Maria; Pérez, Aurelio Ruiz; Alarcón, Mercedes Alejandrina Collazos; Soto, Victor Augusto Gonzales; Callirgos, Lolo Avellaneda. STEAM model for the competences of the Science and Technology area in an educational institution in Peru), RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, .

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Houghton, Tony ; Lavicza, Zsolt ; Diego-Mantecón, Jose Manuel; Fenyvesi, Kristof ; Weinhandl, Robert ; Rahmadi, Imam Fitri. HOTHOUSING: UTILISING INDUSTRY COLLABORATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING PRACTICES FOR STEAM IN SCHOOLS), Journal of Technology and Science Education, .

Méndez, V.G., Magaña, E.C., Palmero, J.R., Ariza, A.C.. Technology-enhanced mathematics learning in Europe: a literature review), Texto Livre, .

Herrero, A.C., Recio, T., Tolmos, P., Vélez, M.P. . From the Steam Engine to STEAM Education: An Experience with Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers ), Mathematics, .

Garzón Baquero, J.E., Bellon Monsalve, D. . CHALLENGES IN TEACHING OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES IN A DIGITAL WORLD DURING COVID-19: From face-to-face to remote learning in Colombia ), Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, .

Gutiérrez-Rincón, C.-P., Sandoval-Estupiñan, L.-Y.. Professional training and employability challenges in the aerospace industry: the state of the art), Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion Superior, .

Fernández, R.C., Checa-Romero, M. . Creativity, critical thinking and teamwork in primary education: an interdisciplinary approach through STEAM projects ), Revista Complutense de Educacion, .

Nagai, T., Klem, S., Kayama, M., (...), Stewart, C.D., Shi, L.. PICA-PICA: Exploring a Customisable Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Smooth Combination of Programming, Engineering and Art), IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, .

Citas em Google Scholar

Diego-Mantecón, J. M. Implementing STEAM Activities with KIKS Format: Advantages and Handicaps.


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Marín-Marín, J. A., Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., Dúo-Terrón, P., & López-Belmonte, J. (2021). STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science. International Journal of STEM Education, 8(1), 1-21.

Diego-Mantecón, J. M., Haro, E., Blanco, T. F., & Romo-Vázquez, A. (2021). The chimera of the competency-based approach to teaching mathematics: a study of carpentry purchases for home projects. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 107(2), 339-357.

Diego-Mantecon, J. M., Prodromou, T., Lavicza, Z., Blanco, T. F., & Ortiz-Laso, Z. (2021). An attempt to evaluate STEAM project-based instruction from a school mathematics perspective. ZDM–Mathematics Education, 53(5), 1137-1148.

José-Antonio, M. M., Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., Pablo, D. T., & Jesús, L. B. (2021). STEAM in education: a bibliometric analysis of performance and co-words in Web of Science. International Journal of STEM Education, 8(1).


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Diego-Mantecon, J. M. (2020, October). Classroom Implementation of STEM Education through technology: advantages and handicaps. In First Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mathematics Education. Book of Abstracts (AI4ME 2020) (Vol. 252, p. 9). Ed. Universidad de Cantabria.


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Ortiz-Laso, Z. (2020, October). STEAM activities with KIKS format. In First Symposium on Artificial Intelligence for Mathematics Education. Book of Abstracts (AI4ME 2020) (Vol. 252, p. 6). Ed. Universidad de Cantabria.


Lozano-Arias, J., Rodríguez-Sedano, F. J., González-Alonso, M. I., & Conde, M. Á. (2021, October). Using Educational Robotic Exoskeleton for the Acquisition of Cross-Curricular Competences in Higher Education. In Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'21) (pp. 51-57).

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Métricas alternativas

Como citar

Diego-Mantecón, J., Blanco, T., Ortiz-Laso, Z., & Lavicza, Z. (2021). STEAM projects with KIKS format for developing key competences. [Proyectos STEAM con formato KIKS para el desarrollo de competencias clave]. Comunicar, 66, 33-43.



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