


媒体技能培训是我们这个时代的迫切需要。教育机构必须作为基础领域,共同解决对数字和媒体环境的反思,并使学龄公民做好建设性应对媒体影响的准备。为此,我们需要进行范式转变来解决这个问题:对媒体创造的新场景的批判性意识和对其特征的广泛反思。新框架以媒体为焦点,周围环境是必不可少的参考,培训建议基于结果和证据。本研究是基于设计的研究的一部分,旨在为哥伦比亚Escuela Normal Superior del Putumayo高中生创建、实施和评估批判性媒体素养计划。我们介绍了通过将 Alfamed 媒体能力“前”和“后”问卷应用于参与该计划的学生所获得的结果。研究结果表明,学生的媒体能力整体水平和构成理论参考模型的六个维度中的四个维度(“技术”、“语言”、“意识形态与价值观”和“生产与传播”)均有显着提高。



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引述 Web of Science

Garmendia, Maialen; Karrera, Inaki; Larranaga, Nekane; Garitaonandia, Carmelo; . The role of school mediation in the development of digital skills among Spanish minors COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, 2021.


Salcines-Talledo, I; Gonzalez-Fernandez, N; (...); Area-Moreira, M. Smartphones in Higher Education. A longitudinal qualitative study COMUNICAR, 2022.


Ramon-Verdu, A and Villalba-Gomez, JV. The Image as Language: The Creation and the Use of the Visual Message by Young University Students in Their Communicative Social Activity Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.


Gomes-Goncalves, S; Jimenez-Marin, G and Pulido-Polo, M. Public relations and fake news in the corporate communication. A literature review REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE RELACIONES PUBLICAS, 2022.


Escobar, RP; Davila-navarro, E; (...); Hernandez, INR. Critical comprehension in young people from Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador CHASQUI-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE COMUNICACION, 2022.

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Gui, MR; Gerosa, T; (...); Losi, L. Mobile media education as a tool to reduce problematic smartphone use: Results of a randomised impact evaluation COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, 2023.


Negrin-Medina, MA; Bernardez-Gomez, A; (...); Marrero-Galvan, JJ. Teachers' Perceptions of Changes in Their Professional Development as a Result of ICT JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE, 2022.


Aguaded, I; Civila, S and Vizcaino-Verdu, A. Paradigm changes and new challenges for media education: Review and science mapping (2000-2021) Aguaded, I; Civila, S and Vizcaino-Verdu, A Profesional de la Informacion, 2022.


Bethencourt-Aguilar, A; Castellanos-Nieves, D; (...); Area-Moreira, M. Use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in Educational Technology Research JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 2023.


Suing, A; Arrobo-Agila, JP; (...); Reascos-Trujillo, A. Audiovisual Competences in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Educational Actors in Media and Digital Learning of Adolescents SUSTAINABILITY, 2023.


Lerma-Noriega, CA; Flores-Palacios, ML; (...); Rebolledo-Mendez, G. InContext: Learning Comparison of Mexican and Colombian Students Using a Mobile Application PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION, 2023.



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Serrano-Arenas, D. Educational videos as strategies to trigger learning ALOMA-REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA CIENCIES DE L EDUCACIO I DE L ESPORT, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Garmendia, M., Karrera, I., Larrañaga, N., Garitaonandia, C. . The role of school mediation in the development of digital skills among Spanish minors), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Fernández, V.N., Aceituno-Aceituno, P., Escobedo, D.L., Fernández, A.S. . Radio in school as a resource for the development of media competence | [La radio escolar como recurso para el desarrollo de la competencia mediática]), Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodistico, .


Salcines-Talledo, Irinaa;González-Fernández, Nataliaa;Díaz-Herrera, Lauraa;Area-Moreira, Manuel. Smartphones in Higher Education. A longitudinal qualitative study), Comunicar, .


Ramón-Verdú, A., Villalba-Gómez, J.V.. The Image as Language: The Creation and the Use of the Visual Message by Young University Students in Their Communicative Social Activity), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Open Access Gui, M., Gerosa, T., Argentin, G., Losi, L.. Mobile media education as a tool to reduce problematic smartphone use: Results of a randomised impact evaluation ), Computers and Education, .


Negrín-Medina, M.Á., Bernárdez-Gómez, A., Portela-Pruaño, A., Marrero-Galván, J.J. . Teachers’ Perceptions of Changes in Their Professional Development as a Result of ICT ), Journal of Intelligence , .


Open Access Aguaded, I., Civila, S., Vizcaíno-Verdú, A. . Paradigm changes and new challenges for media education: Review and science mapping (2000-2021)), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Gibson, P., Connolly, S.. Fit for purpose? Taking a closer look at the UK’s Online Media Literacy Strategy), Journal of Media Literacy Education, .


Suing, A., Arrobo-Agila, J.-P., Coronado-Otavalo, X., Galarza-Ligña, V., Reascos-Trujillo, A. . Audiovisual Competences in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Educational Actors in Media and Digital Learning of Adolescents ), Sustainability , .


Serrano-Arenas, D.. Educational videos as strategies to trigger learning ), Aloma, .


Lerma-Noriega, C.-A., Flores-Palacios, M.-L., Cobos-Cobos, T.-L., Rebolledo-Méndez, G.. InContext: Learning Comparison of Mexican and Colombian Students Using a Mobile Application), Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educacion, .


引述 Google Scholar

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