


社交网络是一种新的社会关系生态系统,青少年在其中追随公众人物或“网红”, 即“instagramers”、“twitterers”和“youtubers”。这些网红在他们发布的帖子中表现出的行为成为新一代所追寻的趋势和模式。为了深入研究这些行为及其后果,我们研究了在学生世界里拥有最多粉丝的 10 个«instagramers», 10个 «twitteros» 和 10 «youtubers»发表的300 个点赞最多的帖子 。研究使用了一种混合方法:通过监控 Twitter、Instagram 和 YouTube 帐户执行的社交媒体分析 (SNA) 方法,并应用FanapageKarma 仪器捕获应用数据挖掘技术的数据。随后,我们使用«Meaning Cloud»软件进行了情感分析,该软件以定量的方式确定了情感极性的分析。最后,我们使用 Nvivo 对内容进行语义分析。多元回归和情感分析的结果显示了社交网络之间的明显差异。 Twitter 是对信息和社会运动,尤其是气候变化进行批判性分析的空间。在这个空间里,青少年捍卫自己的价值观和意识形态。 Instagram 是时尚和美丽的展示场所,品牌支持理想化和理想的生活方式。 YouTube 是娱乐和喜剧的空间。得出的结论是,尽管他们存在差异,但有一个明确的特征,即“网红”努力吸引粉丝并建立准社会关系。



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引述 Web of Science

Quilez-Robres, A; Acero-Ferrero, M; (...); Aiger-Valles, M. Social Networks in Military Powers: Network and Sentiment Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic COMPUTATION, 2023.


Feijoo, B; Sadaba, C and Zozaya, L. Distrust by default: analysis of parent and child reactions to health misinformation exposure on TikTok INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH, 2023.


Pacheco, DAC; Briz, T and Urbano, B. The social side of business: content, traffic and visibility MANAGEMENT DECISION, 2023.


Barroso-Moreno, C; Rayon-Rumayor, L; (...); Hernandez-Ortega, J. Polarization, virality and contrary sentiments for LGTB content on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter Profesional de la Informacion, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Barroso-Moreno, C., Rayón-Rumayor, L., Bañares-Marivela, E., Hernández-Ortega, J.. Polarization, virality and contrary sentiments for LGTB content on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter), Profesional de la Informacion , .


Quilez-Robres, A., Acero-Ferrero, M., Delgado-Bujedo, D., Lozano-Blasco, R., Aiger-Valles, M.. Social Networks in Military Powers: Network and Sentiment Analysis during the COVID-19 Pandemic), Computation, .


Albadri, H.A. . The Role and Impact of Social Media Influencers), Information Sciences Letters, .


Feijoo, B., Sádaba, C., López-Martínez, A.. Spanish Minors’ Perception of their Parents’ Role in their Use of Social Media Networks), International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, .


Feijoo, B., Sádaba, C., Zozaya, L.. Distrust by default: analysis of parent and child reactions to health misinformation exposure on TikTok), International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, .


Carpio Pacheco, D.A., Briz, T., Urbano, B.. The social side of business: content, traffic and visibility), Management Decision, .


Notley, T., Dezuanni, M., Chambers, S., Park, S.. Using YouTube to seek answers and make decisions: Implications for Australian adult media and information literacy), Comunicar, .


引述 Google Scholar

Mendoza Rosas, D. S. (2022). El cambio de la forma de consumo de contenidos en redes sociales a partir del Tik Tok.


Polarization, virality and contrary sentiments for LGTB content on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter C Barroso-Moreno… - Profesional de …, 2023 - revista.profesionaldelainformacion …


The effectiveness of Facebook advertising in a sports club. P Zach - Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 2023 - theses.cz


Análisis comparativo de la interacción discursiva de dos 'edutubers' de matemáticas J Anzola, D River-Rogel - 2023 - burjcdigital.urjc.es


Percepción de los menores sobre el papel de sus padres en su uso de redes sociales B Feijoo, C Sádaba… - … Multidisciplinary Journal of …, 2023 - hipatiapress.com





Lozano-Blasco, R., Mira-Aladrén, M., & Gil-Lamata, M. (2023). Social media influence on young people and children: Analysis on Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. [Redes sociales y su influencia en los jóvenes y niños: Análisis en Instagram, Twitter y YouTube]. Comunicar, 74, 125-137. https://doi.org/10.3916/C74-2023-10



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