


针对弱势群体的仇恨言论被认为是欧盟内部影响融合和尊重社会多样性的一个严重问题。社交网络的扩张助长了此类言论的发展,其表明了社交媒体是传播针对以移民和难民为主要目标受害群体的犯罪的机制。出于这个原因,我们通过研究仇恨言论的存在,开展了第一个关于移民和难民的社会接受度的欧洲研究。本研究基于群际接触理论和中介群际接触理论,对推特上的在线仇恨言论(N=847,978)进行大规模纵向分析(2015-2020 年),并与现有官方指标进行对比。结果表明,个人群体间的接触与当地人对移民和难民的支持呈正相关,但有中介的群体间接触与仇恨言论的减少无关。研究证据表明,在那些对外国人的支持度较高的地区,推特上的仇恨言论水平较低。这代表了按地区研究仇恨言论的进步,有助于提出行动策略。



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引述 Web of Science

Castellvi, J; Sabater, MM; (...); Santisteban, A. Future teachers confronting extremism and hate speech HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATIONS, 2022.


Pineiro-Naval, V; Igartua, JJ; (...); Blanco-Herrero, D. IBERO-AMERICAN RESEARCH ON POLITICAL COMMUNICATION FROM FRAMING THEORY (2015-2019) Prisma Social, 2022.


Arcila-Calderon, C; Amores, JJ; (...); Alonso, MO. How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep Learning Sustainability, 2022.


Blanco-Alfonso, I; Rodriguez-Fernandez, L and Arce-Garcia, S. Polarization and hate speech with gender bias associated with politics: analysis of interactions on Twitter REVISTA DE COMUNICACION-PERU, 2022.


Barroso-Moreno, C; Rayon-Rumayor, L and Garcia-Vera, AB. Big Data and Business Intelligence on Twitter and Instagram for digital inclusion Barroso-Moreno, C; Rayon-Rumayor, L and Garcia-Vera, AB Comunicar, 2023.


Blanco, MG; Olveira, MEO and Matos, SL. Migration, digital competence, and educational challenges REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE COMUNICACION Y DESARROLLO, 2022.


Carratala, A. Disinformation and Sexual and Gender Diversity in Spain: Twitter Users' Response, and the Perception of LGBTQI plus Organisations SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2023.


Goncalves, I. Promoting Hate Speech by Dehumanizing Metaphors of Immigration JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 2023.


Romero-Rodriguez, LM; Castillo-Abdul, B and Cuesta-Valino, P. The Process of the Transfer of Hate Speech to Demonization and Social Polarization POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE, 2023.


Sanchez-Holgado, P; Arcila-Calderon, C and Gomes-Barbosa, M. Hate Speech and Polarization Around the "Trans Law" in Spain POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE, 2023.


Marques, ACS and Martino, LMS. From political hatred to non-violence as a force: a reflection based on Judith Butler's thinking REVISTA COMUNICACAO MIDIATICA, 2022.

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Juangarcia, RL; Adarraga, AA and Jaso, MFN. The Constructive Role of the Media in Hate Speech Controversies: The Valtonyc and Hasel Cases JOURNALISM PRACTICE, 2023.


引述 Scopus

Castellví, J., Massip Sabater, M., González-Valencia, G.A., Santisteban, A.. Future teachers confronting extremism and hate speech), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, .


Blanco-Alfonso, I., Rodríguez-Fernández, L., Arce-García, S.. Polarization and hate speech with gender bias associated with politics: analysis of interactions on Twitter ), Revista de Comunicacion, .


Román-San-Miguel, A., Olivares-García, F.J., Jiménez-Zafra, S.M.. Hate speech on Twitter during the Ceuta migration crisis in May 2021), Icono14, .


Arcila-Calderón, C., Amores, J.J., Sánchez-Holgado, P., (...), Vryzas, N., Oller Alonso, M.. How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep Learning), Sustainability, .


Barroso-Moreno, C., Rayon-Rumayor, L., García-Vera, A.B. . Big Data and Business Intelligence on Twitter and Instagram for digital inclusion), Comunicar, .


Piñeiro-Naval, V., Igartua, J.-J., Arcila-Calderón, C., González-Vázquez, A., Blanco-Herrero, D.. IBERO-AMERICAN RESEARCH ON POLITICAL COMMUNICATION FROM FRAMING THEORY (2015-2019)), Prisma Social, .

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Fuentes-Lara, C., Arcila-Calderón, C. . Islamophobic hate speech on social networks. An analysis of attitudes to Islamophobia on Twitter), Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, .


Carratalá, Adolfo. Disinformation and Sexual and Gender Diversity in Spain: Twitter Users’ Response, and the Perception of LGBTQI+ Organisations Open Access Carratalá, A.), Social Sciences, .


Viegas, S.L.. Refugees from Africa and the Middle East in Portugal: Notes on access to housing and the right to the city), Cidades, .


Sánchez-Holgado, P., Amores, J.J., Blanco-Herrero, D. . Online Hate Speech and Immigration Acceptance: A Study of Spanish Provinces ), Social Sciences, .


Balbín, A.M., Caetano, N.S., Conde, M.Á., (...), Sánchez-Holgado, P., Sein-Echaluce, M.L. . Trends on Communication, Educational Assessment, Sustainable Development, Educational Innovation, Mechatronics and Learning Analytics at TEEM 2022 ), Lecture Notes in Educational Technology , .


Barbosa, M., Arcila, C.. The Discourse Against the LGTB Community in Social Networks and Its Relationship with Hate Crimes in Spain ), Lecture Notes in Educational Technology , .


Gonçalves, I.. Promoting Hate Speech by Dehumanizing Metaphors of Immigration Gonçalves, I. ), Journalism Practice, .


Essalhi-Rakrak, A., Pinedo-González, R.. #EspañaInvadida. Disinformation and hate speech towards refugees on Twitter: A challenge for critical thinking), Profesional de la Informacion, .


Sánchez‐holgado, P., Arcila‐calderón, C., Gomes‐barbosa, M.. Hate Speech and Polarization Around the “Trans Law” in Spain), Politics and Governance, .


Romero‐rodríguez, L.M., Castillo‐abdul, B., Cuesta‐valiño, P.. The Process of the Transfer of Hate Speech to Demonization and Social Polarization), Politics and Governance, .


González-Baquero, W., Amores, J.J., Arcila-Calderón, C.. The Conversation around Islam on Twitter: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about the Muslim Community in Spain since 2015), Religions, .


de Bartolomé Rincón, I.M., Martín, B.R.. Analysis of Media Discourse and Social Audiences on Refugees in the Conflict in Ukraine), TRIPODOS, .


Labiano Juangarcía, R., Azurmendi Adarraga, A., Novoa Jaso, M.F.. The Constructive Role of the Media in Hate Speech Controversies: The Valtònyc and Hasél Cases), Journalism Practice, .


Amores, J.J., Blanco-Herrero, D., Arcila-Calderón, C. . The Conversation around COVID-19 on Twitter—Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling to Analyse Tweets Published in English during the First Wave of the Pandemic), Journalism and Media, .


Gómez, J., Matilla-Molinav, A., Amado, M.P., (...), Méndez-Sanchís, A., López, J. . The interaction between offensive and hate speech on Twitter and relevant social events in Spain), News Media and Hate Speech Promotion in Mediterranean Countries, .


Costa, S.M., Cantarero, T.N., Pérez, A.S., Rodríguez, J.J.V.. Are there hate speeches on Spanish television? Methodological proposal and content analysis over the 2020 year), News Media and Hate Speech Promotion in Mediterranean Countries, .


Guillén-Nieto, V.. The wording of hate speech prohibition: "You can't see the wood for the trees"), From Fear to Hate: Legal-Linguistic Perspectives on Migration, .


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Future teachers confronting extremism and hate speech J Castellví, M Massip Sabater… - Humanities and Social …, 2022 - nature.com


El discurso de odio en Twitter durante la crisis migratoria de Ceuta en mayo de 2021 A Román-San-Miguel, FJ Olivares García… - Icono14, 20 (2), 2022 - idus.us.es


How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep … C Arcila-Calderón, JJ Amores, P Sánchez-Holgado… - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com


Big Data y Business Intelligence en Twitter e Instagram para la inclusión digital C Barroso-Moreno, L Rayon-Rumayor… - … de Comunicación y …, 2023 - revistacomunicar.com


La investigación iberoamericana sobre comunicación política desde la teoría del encuadre (2015-2019) V Piñeiro-Naval, JJ Igartua… - Revista Prisma …, 2022 - revistaprismasocial.es


Polarización y discurso de odio con sesgo de género asociado a la política: análisis de las interacciones en Twitter I Blanco-Alfonso, L Rodríguez-Fernández… - Revista de …, 2022 - scielo.org.pe


Online Hate Speech and Immigration Acceptance: A Study of Spanish Provinces P Sánchez-Holgado, JJ Amores, D Blanco-Herrero - Social Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com


El discurso de odio islamófobo en las redes sociales. Un análisis de las actitudes ante la islamofobia en Twitter C Fuentes-Lara, C Arcila-Calderón - 2023 - rua.ua.es


La investigación educativa como didáctica en la enseñanza de la posverdad. Análisis de contextos AN Masegosa - Revista de Propuestas Educativas, 2023 - propuestaseducativas.org


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Refugiados de África e do Médio Oriente em Portugal. Notas sobre o acesso à habitação e direito à cidade SL Viegas - Cidades. Comunidades e Territórios, 2022 - journals.openedition.org





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