


本研究致力于根据电视节目的特定类型和结构,辨识8-12岁儿童最钟爱的虚构性电视节目中传递了哪些价值观和情绪。基于对媒介消费(由参与者或其父母报告)的分析,以及对儿童虚构性节目的打分,我们为这一年龄段的群体选取了两个此类节目(《哆啦A梦》和《虚幻勇士》,两者分别为叙事和非叙事结构),并对通过了编码者间信度测试的86集进行了内容分析。结果显示,伦理的和基于能力的价值观被两个节目广泛传达,生存技能价值观同时被重点强调,而美学的和超验的价值观则几乎没有得到呈现。《虚幻勇士》呈现较复杂的情绪和一些基本情绪(惊讶,愤怒,幸福和恐惧),而《哆啦A 梦》则很大程度上呈现悲伤。结果显示出两个剧集的角色对移情作用的呈现程度都较低,虽然相对而言在《虚幻勇士》中较高。本研究的重要性在于, 在考虑到儿童心理特征时,本研究结果为测量媒介内容的适度性提供了有用的方法,并且为童年早期的媒介素养项目贡献了坚实的基础。



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引述 Web of Science

Rodriguez Serrano, Aaron; Martin-Nunez, Marta; Gil-Soldevila, Samuel. Ludologic design and augmented reality. The game experience in Pokemon Go! (Niantic, 2016) REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2017.


Vazquez-Miraz, Pedro. Presence of sexist violence as a social denunciation in children's animation "Courage, the cowardly dog" QUESTION, 2017.

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Bermejo Berros, Jesus; Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana; Oregui Gonzalez, Eider; Bartau Rojas, Isabel. The influence of television stories on narrative abilities in children PSICOLOGICA, 2018.


Tsortanidou, Xanthippi; Daradoumis, Thanasis; Barbera-Gregori, Elena;. Convergence among imagination, social-emotional learning and media literacy: an integrative literature review EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE , 2020.


#EANF#; . Parental Mediation of Internet Use from a Gender Perspective Revista electrónica de investigación educativa, 2020.


Manuel Perez-Martinez, Victor; Aparicio Vinacua, Beatriz; Dolores Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Maria;. BULLYING, RAPE, AND SUICIDE ON TWITTER: SECOND SEASON OF VIVAT ACADEMIA , 2020.


Esther del Moral, Ma; Lopez-Bouzas, Nerea;. Different abilities as represented in animated films aimed at children: an inclusive gaze EDMETIC , 2021.


Weckesser; Cintia;. Body and democracy: ways of being together in audiovisual productions for early childhood REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE COMUNICACION Y DESARROLLO , 2020.


Villarejo-Carballido, B; Pulido, CM; (...); Oliver, E. Young People's Voices and Science for Overcoming Toxic Relationships Represented in Sex Education INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022.




Miro-Miro, D; Rodriguez, JC and Molina-Luque, F. Service-Learning and Initial Teaching Training: a transformative relationship between Rural School and University for the promotion of digital technologies Revista Complutense de Educacion, 2021.


引述 Scopus

Aierbe, A., Oregui, E., Bartau, I. . Video games, parental mediation and gender socialization), Digital Education Review, .

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Oregui, E., Aierbe, A., Bermejo, J.. Narrative skill, identification of values, countervalues in cartoons by primary education students), Anales de Psicologia, .


Tsortanidou, X., Daradoumis, T., Barberá-Gregori, E. . Convergence among imagination, social-emotional learning and media literacy: an integrative literature review), Early Child Development and Care, .


Rojas, I.B., Barandiaran, A.A., Gonzalez, E.O. . Parental mediation of internet use from a gender perspective | [Mediación parental del uso de Internet desde una perspectiva de género]), Revista Electronica de Investigacion Educativa, .


Oregui, E., Aierbe, A.. Structure of cartoons, narrative skills, perception of values/ countervalues in primary school / Estructura de los dibujos animados, habilidades narrativas y percepción de valores/ contravalores en Educación Primaria), Cultura y Educacion, .


Berros, J.B., Barandiaran, A.A., González, E.O., Rojas, I.B.. The influence of television stories on narrative abilities in children [La influencia de las historias televisivas en las habilidades narrativas de niños/as.]), Psicologica, .


Rodríguez Serrano, A., Martín-Núñez, M., Gil-Soldevila, S.. Ludologic design, augmented reality. The game experience in Pokémon Go! (Niantic, 2016) [Diseño ludológico y realidad aumentada. La experiencia de juego en Pokémon Go! (Niantic, 2016)]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Villarejo-Carballido, B., Pulido, C.M., Zubiri-Esnaola, H., Oliver, E.. Young People’s Voices and Science for Overcoming Toxic Relationships Represented in Sex Education), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Miró-Miró, D., Rodríguez, J.C., Molina-Luque, F.. Service-learning and initial teaching training: A transformative relationship between rural school and university for the promotion of digital technologies ), Revista Complutense de Educacion, .


Bolás, A.L., Placer, P.N., Elizaincín, A.V., Fernández, B.F.. ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE CONSUMPTION OF TOYS THROUGH CHILD YOUTUBERS. A CASE STUDY), Index.comunicacion, .


Izquierdo-Castillo, J. . Public television and young audiences: Values and function in the digital age |), Analisi, .


引述 Google Scholar

Oregui, E., Aierbe, A., Bermejo, J., & Bartau, I. (2017). Habilidades narrativas, valores y relatos personales digitales: una propuesta metodológica para Educación Primaria. Relatos Digitales en Educación Formal y Social, 130-146.


Berros, J. B., Barandiaran, A. A., González, E. O., & Rojas, I. B. (2018). The influence of television stories on narrative abilities in children. Psicológica Journal, 39(1), 118-141.




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Serrano, A. R., Núñez, M. M., & Soldevilla, S. G. (2017). Diseño ludológico y realidad aumentada. La experiencia de juego en Pokémon Go!(Niantic, 2016). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (72), 667-678.





Aierbe-Barandiaran, A., & Oregui-González, E. (2016). Values and emotions in children’s audiovisual fictional narratives. [Valores y emociones en narraciones audiovisuales de ficción infantil]. Comunicar, 47, 69-77. https://doi.org/10.3916/C47-2016-07



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