Ключевые слова

Digital media, identity, open development, distance education, marginalization, migration


The role of digital media and learning has often been synonymous with the use of open education resources in formal institutional settings. Further, open and distance learning has been criticized for focusing narrowly on educational objectives, ignoring socio-political issues of access and participation by marginalized populations. This study examines the lived experiences of female migrant domestic workers (N=20) in Singapore attending Open University. Mobile and social media supplement open and distance learning resources to allow for open practices of consumption, production and sharing in distributed contexts of digital learning. Marginalized students engaged in participation and collaboration activities, with specific privacy practices due to their social positions. Digital learning led to substantive learning for personal empowerment and social transformation, with aspirational strategies often involving digital skills. The discussion reflects on identity management across formal and informal digital settings as a means of transforming societal discourses of discrimination.

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Holguin-Alvarez, J., Oyague-Pinedo, S., Samame-Gamarra, S., Villa-Córdova, G. M., & Pariona-Tacsa, D. (2020). Incidentes críticos formativos: evidencias de la soledad pedagógica docente en contextos vulnerables. Praxis, 16(2).


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Как процитировать

Chib, A., Bentley, C., & Wardoyo, R. (2019). Distributed digital contexts and learning: Personal empowerment and social transformation in marginalized populations. [Entornos digitales distribuidos y aprendizaje: Empoderamiento personal y transformación social en colectivos discriminados]. Comunicar, 58, 51-61. https://doi.org/10.3916/C58-2019-05



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