


数字化教学能力(TDC)的开发应从初级教师培训开始,并在接下来的几年中继续进行。其目的在于利用数字技术(DT)来改善教学和自身的专业发展。本文介绍了一项对去年智利和乌拉圭的ITT高年级学生的TDC水平的研究成果。本项研究使用了一种定量方法,其代表性样本为568名学生(N = 273智利学生和N = 295乌拉圭学生)。我们分析了性别和教育水平的数据。结果显示 了TDC四个维度处于一个较为基础的发展水平。关于变量与TDC之间的关系,研究结果强调了在计划、组织和管理空间和技术资源这个维度的数字化能力上表现出较高水平的男生比例。此外,处于TDC较为基础发展水平的小学教育学生比例明显高于其他学生。最后总结,智利和乌拉圭的教师培训机构需要在ITT即教育体系的各方面实施不同期限的政策,以改善TDC的发展水平。



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引述 Web of Science

Okoye, Kingsley; Arrona-Palacios, Arturo; Camacho-Zuniga, Claudia; Achem, Joaquin Alejandro Guerra; Escamilla, Jose; Hosseini, Samira; . Towards teaching analytics: a contextual model for analysis of students' evaluation of teaching through text mining and machine learning classification BIG DATA, 2000.


Ortega-Sanchez, Delfin; Gomez-Trigueros, Isabel Maria; . MOOCs and NOOCs in the Training of Future Geography and History Teachers: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study Based on the TPACK Model DATA IN BRIEF, 2020.


Artacho, EG; Martinez, TS; (...); Garcia, GG. Teacher Training in Lifelong Learning-The Importance of Digital Competence in the Encouragement of Teaching Innovation SUSTAINABILITY, 2020.


Sepulveda-Escobar, Paulina; Morrison, Astrid; . Online teaching placement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile: challenges and opportunities TEACHERS AND TEACHING, 2020.


Ortega-Sanchez, D; Gomez-Trigueros, IM; (...); Perez-Gonzalez, C. Self-Perception and Training Perceptions on Teacher Digital Competence (TDC) in Spanish and French University Students MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERACTION, 2020.


Okoye, Kingsley; Arrona-Palacios, Arturo; Camacho-Zuniga, Claudia; Hammout, Nisrine; Nakamura, Emilia Luttmann; Escamilla, Jose; Hosseini, Samira; . Impact of students evaluation of teaching: a text analysis of the teachers qualities by gender INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2020.


Jimenez-Hernandez, David; Gonzalez-Calatayud, Victor; Torres-Soto, Ana; Martinez Mayoral, Asuncion; Morales, Javier; . Digital Competence of Future Secondary School Teachers: Differences According to Gender, Age, and Branch of Knowledge RELIEVE-REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION Y EVALUACION EDUCATIVA, 2020.


Cabezas-Gonzalez, Marcos; Casillas-Martin, Sonia; Garcia-Penalvo, Francisco Jose; . The Digital Competence of Pre-Service Educators: The Influence of Personal Variables 21st Century Skills and Competences for New Millennium Larners in OECD Countries, 2021.


Saltos-Rivas, Rafael; Novoa-Hernandez, Pavel; Serrano Rodriguez, Rocio; . On the quality of quantitative instruments to measure digital competence in higher education: A systematic mapping study Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology., 2021.


Salcedo-Lagos, Pedro; Morales-Candia, Sergio; Fuentes-Riffo, Karina; Rivera-Robles, Susan; Sanhueza-Campos, Cristian; . Teachers' Perceptions Analysis on Students' Emotions in Virtual Classes during COVID19 Pandemic: A Lexical Availability Approach Estudio: Practicas de Alfabetizacion Digital 2020, 2021.


Zhao, Yu; Llorente, Ana Maria Pinto; Gomez, Maria Cruz Sanchez; Zhao, Liping; . The Impact of Gender and Years of Teaching Experience on College Teachers' Digital Competence: An Empirical Study on Teachers in Gansu Agricultural University Revista electrónica de investigación educativa, 2021.


Reisoglu, Ilknur; . How Does Digital Competence Training Affect Teachers' Professional Development and Activities? TECHNOLOGY PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION, 2000.


Valdez Asto, Jose Luis; Perez Guevara, Luciano; Cecilia Uribe-Hernandez, Yrene; Sebastian Flores-Sotelo, Willian; Antonio Arevalo-tuesta, Jose; Leon Tomas-Francisco, Rosales; . Personal Factors Associated with Digital Competencies in University Students in the Context of Pandemic Qualitative report on use and access to technology in metropolitan Lima, 2021.


Torres-Hernandez, Norma; Gallego-Arrufat, Maria-Jesus; . Indicators to assess preservice teachers' digital competence in security: A systematic review COMPUTERS & SECURITY, 2000.


Guillen-Gamez, Francisco D.; Cabero-Almenara, Julio; Llorente-Cejudo, Carmen; Palacios-Rodriguez, Antonio; . Differential Analysis of the Years of Experience of Higher Education Teachers, their Digital Competence and use of Digital Resources: Comparative Research Methods IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2000.


Vergara-Rodriguez, D; Anton-Sancho, A and Fernandez-Arias, P. Variables Influencing Professors' Adaptation to Digital Learning Environments during the COVID-19 Pandemic INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 2022.


Yu, Q. Construction of University Teachers' Digital Competency Model Based on New Media Communication Technology FORTHCOMING NETWORKS AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE IOT ERA (FONES-IOT 2021), 2022.


Estigarribia, DLC; Gastelu, CAT; (...); Garcia, MG. Digital competence of future teachers in a Higher Education Institution in Paraguay PIXEL-BIT- REVISTA DE MEDIOS Y EDUCACION , 2022.


Silva-Quiroz, J and Morales-Morgado, EM. Assessing digital competence and its relationship with the socioeconomic level of Chilean university students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 2022.


Panos-Castro, J; Arruti, A and Korres, O. COVID and ICT in Primary Education: Challenges Faced by Teachers in the Basque Country Sustainability, 2022.


Anton-Sancho, A; Vergara, D and Fernandez-Arias, P. Influence of Country Digitization Level on Digital Pandemic Stress BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2022.


Revuelta-Dominguez, FI; Guerra-Antequera, J; (...); Gonzalez-Fernandez, A. Digital Teaching Competence: A Systematic Review Sustainability, 2022.


Marin-Gonzalez, F; Senior-Naveda, A; (...); Sierralta, BP. Generation of Programmatic Contents by Competencies: A Technological and Systemic View of Higher Education FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION, 2022.


引述 Scopus

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Sepulveda-Escobar, P., Morrison, A. . Online teaching placement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile: challenges and opportunities), European Journal of Teacher Education, .


Ortega-Sánchez, D., Gómez-Trigueros, I.M., Trestini, M., Pérez-González, C. . Self-perception and training perceptions on teacher digital competence (TDC) in Spanish and French university students), Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, .


Okoye, K., Arrona-Palacios, A., Camacho-Zuñiga, C., (...), Escamilla, J., Hosseini, S. . Impact of students evaluation of teaching: a text analysis of the teachers qualities by gender), International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, .


Jiménez-Hernández, D., González-Calatayud, V., Torres-Soto, A., Mayoral, A.M., Morales, J. . Digital competence of future secondary school teachers: Differences according to gender, age, and branch of knowledge), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Reisoğlu, İ. . How Does Digital Competence Training Affect Teachers' Professional Development and Activities?), Technology, Knowledge and Learning, .


Zhao, Y., Pinto Llorente, A.M., Sánchez Gómez, M.C., Zhao, L. . The impact of gender and years of teaching experience on college teachers’ digital competence: an empirical study on teachers in gansu agricultural university), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


Cabezas-González, M., Casillas-Martín, S., García-Peñalvo, F.J. . The digital competence of pre-service educators: The influence of personal variables), Sustainability (Switzerland), .


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Saltos-Rivas, R., Novoa-Hernández, P., Rodríguez, R.S. . On the quality of quantitative instruments to measure digital competence in higher education: A systematic mapping study), PLoS ONE, .


Okoye, K., Arrona-Palacios, A., Camacho-Zuñiga, C., (...), Escamilla, J., Hosseini, S. . Towards teaching analytics: a contextual model for analysis of students’ evaluation of teaching through text mining and machine learning classification), Education and Information Technologies, .


Vergara-Rodríguez, D., Antón-Sancho, Á., Fernández-Arias, P.. Variables Influencing Professors’ Adaptation to Digital Learning Environments during the COVID-19 Pandemic), International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, .


Pinto-Santos, A.R., Pérez Garcias, A., Darder Mesquida, A. . Development of teaching digital competence in initial teacher training: A systematic review), World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, .


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Silva-Quiroz, J., Canales-Reyes, R., Garrido-Miranda, J.. Assessment of Digital Competencies in Initial Teacher Training in Chile: What Does the Research Say?), Lecture Notes in Educational Technology, .


Yu, Q.. Construction of University Teachers’ Digital Competency Model Based on New Media Communication Technology), Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, .


Torres-Hernández, N., Gallego-Arrufat, M.-J.. Indicators to assess preservice teachers’ digital competence in security: A systematic review), Education and Information Technologies, .


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Al Shabibi, A., Al Shabibi, T.. Teachers’ training needs for digital competences), 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology, ACIT 2021, .


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Antón-Sancho, Á., Vergara, D., Fernández-Arias, P.. Influence of Country Digitization Level on Digital Pandemic Stress), Behavioral Sciences, .


Revuelta-Domínguez, F.-I., Guerra-Antequera, J., González-Pérez, A., Pedrera-Rodríguez, M.-I., González-Fernández, A.. Digital Teaching Competence: A Systematic Review), Sustainability, .


Marín-González, F., Senior-Naveda, A., Ferrer, L.Y., Perozo Sierralta, B.. Generation of Programmatic Contents by Competencies: A Technological and Systemic View of Higher Education), Frontiers in Education, .


Esteve-Mon, F.M., Nebot, M.Á.L., Cosentino, V.V., Adell-Segura, J.. Digital Teaching Competence of University Teachers: Levels and Teaching Typologies), International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, .


Silva-Quiroz, J., Morales-Morgado, E.M. . Assessing digital competence and its relationship with the socioeconomic level of Chilean university students), International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, .


Diaz, J.R.D., Ucharima, I.H., Egas, M.M.S. . Learning to Learn: Learning Theory Associated with the Domain of Digital Skills in University Students ), Revista de Filosofia, .

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