


通过超越仅仅是情绪反应,先在信念增强,或品牌识别的模型,本研究分析了社会行动主义中通讯交流的作用。论文测试了这样的假说:根据(受众)与资源倾向性的互动情况,着眼于立场(及其结果)的信息会激励有先在意识的受众。研究方法是基于一个设计,即双因素实验性行动结果研究2(失败vs成功)X2 价(偏爱vs非偏爱资源)设计, 参与者是297名支持反驱逐的人员。研究结果使我们能够推断:来自与所持立场敌对的资源的信息 – 反映出消极结果 – 潜在地在情绪和行为上对活动者在更大程度上有着鼓动力,赞同性资源导致的积极结果的则较小。研究结论指向社会不公的结构与带立场倾向的行动情绪之间的对话,以求成为增加社会动员性的一条途径。在当前社交媒体普及的语境中,我们讨论了研究结果在理论上和经验意义的启示。



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引述 Web of Science


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Aladro Vico, Eva; Requeijo Rey, Paula; . Vox political party discourse, strategies and interactions on its official Instagram account during the A-28 elections. Radical right and Social Networks Carta a Mariano Rajoy, 2020.


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de las Heras-Pedrosa, Carlos; Jambrino-Maldonado, Carmen; Iglesias-Sanchez, Patricia P.; Millan-Celis, Elena; . Populism and Independence Movements in Europe: The Catalan-Spanish Case SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2020.


Miller, Toby; Aladro-Vico, Eva; Requeijo-Rey, Paula; . The hero and the shadow: Myths in digital social movements Observatorio (OBS*) Journal., 2021.


Herrera Rivas, Keila Ketty; Vilema Herrera, Keila; Suarez Suarez, Gilberto; Campos de Vereau, Guadalupe Valiente; . COMMUNICATION OF CULTURAL EXPRESSIONS, CASE TEMAZCAL IN THE CENTRO YOLOLO CHICOMOZTOC TEOCALLI Icono, 2022.


David, AE; Enache, CR; (...); Stanciu, R. No need for the needle. A qualitative analysis of the antivax movement in Romania PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2022.




引述 Scopus

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Garcia-Vazquez, E., Cartón, P., Domínguez, M., (...), Bustillos, A., Dopico, E. . For a good selfie. Enhancing mobile phone recycling through simulated exposure to cobalt mining), Sustainable Production and Consumption, .


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Miller, T., Aladro-Vico, E., Requeijo-Rey, P. . The hero and the shadow: Myths in digital social movements | [El héroe y la sombra: Mitos en los movimientos sociales digitales]), Comunicar, .


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