Ключевые слова

Genius, teaching-learning itineraries, university, creativity, talent, high intellectual abilities, social entrepreneurship, educational intervention


The purpose of the present work is to rethink, in the university context, the concept of genius, related to the high intellectual abilities associated with intelligence; also, to connect the idea of entrepreneurial competences, such as leadership or social commitment. The hypothesis is that a university genius is defined by his high creative abilities and, in particular, entrepreneurial ones. From the methodological point of view, the recommendations of the National Association for Gifted Children were followed, and evidence collection was based on such practices, using the results obtained by two studies: the first one with professors and postgraduate students (from Argentina and Spain, from hard and soft sciences) who responded to a conceptual questionnaire, previously validated, in order to delineate common minimum denominators of geniuses. The other one comes from analyzing the results of an acceleration program of entrepreneurial competence with undergraduate students. Combining both data resulted in the need to think in an educational proposal (itinerary) with trajectories of excellence. One during the Degree level, with pilot training activities (in entrepreneurial competence), experimenting on a small scale; and the other in the Postgraduate level, encouraging them to be architects of their “routes”, allowing them to self-employ and to become agents of socio-community change.

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Цитаты в Web of Science

de la Calle Maldonado, Carmen; Miro Lopez, Susana; de Dios Alija, Teresa; de la Rosa Ruiz, Daniel; . Adapting a university subject to online learning in times of COVID-19: a chance to improve Noticias ONU, 2021.




Geraldo-Campos, LA; Moreno-Estelle, SP; (...); Tito-Huamani, PL. Design and validation of sustainability scales in business entrepreneurship RETOS-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS DE LA ADMINISTRACION Y ECONOMIA, 2022.


Цитаты в Scopus

de la Calle Maldonado, C., López, S.M., de Dios Alija, T., de la Rosa Ruiz, D. . Adapting a university subject to online learning in times of COVID-19: A chance to improve | [Adaptación de la asignatura de Responsabilidad Social del grado de Periodismo a la docencia en línea, en tiempos de COVID-19]), Revista de Educacion a Distancia, .


Цитаты в Google Scholar

López, S. M. (2020). Adaptación de una materia universitaria al aprendizaje en línea en tiempos de COVID-19: una oportunidad de mejora. Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 21(65).


Maldonado, C., Miró López, S., Dios Alija, T. D., & De la Rosa Ruiz, D. (2020). Adaptación de una materia universitaria al aprendizaje en línea en tiempos de COVID-19: una oportunidad de mejora.


Calle Maldonado, C. D. L., Miró López, S., Dios Alija, T. D., & Rosa Ruiz, D. D. L. (2021). Adaptación de la asignatura de Responsabilidad Social del grado de Periodismo a la docencia en línea, en tiempos de COVID-19.


de la Calle Maldonado, C., López, S. M., de Dios Alija, T., & de la Rosa Ruiz, D. (2021). Adaptación de la asignatura de Responsabilidad Social del grado de Periodismo a la docencia en línea, en tiempos de COVID-19. Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 21(65).



Альтернативные метрики

Как процитировать

Möller-Recondo, C., & D´Amato, J. (2020). New genius-entrepreneurs: Itinerary and trajectories of university educational excellence. [Nuevos genios-emprendedores: Itinerario y trayectorias de excelencia educativa universitaria]. Comunicar, 64, 73-83. https://doi.org/10.3916/C64-2020-07



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