


随着数字时代社交媒体的普及,在社交媒体上浏览新闻已成为大学生的日常行为。但是,很少有研究来详细了解他们对使用社交浏览媒体新闻的情况,尤其是在亚洲国家的相关研究。为了填补这一空白,我们旨在研究促使大学生在社交媒体上查找新闻的动机,在什么程度上他们认为可以控制新闻的影响力,以及新闻动机是否与他们在新闻媒体素养水平上的三个方面有关:(a)作者和受众; (b)信息和含义,(c)代表和现实。来自香港一所大学的147名大学生参加了研究。在四种动机中,社交化是社交媒体上新闻使用的最有力的预测指标。大多数学生认为他们可以控制新闻影响力,并表现出很高的新闻媒体素养。与地新闻媒体素养的学生相比,高新闻媒体素养的学生更有可能通过搜索新闻的方式社交。研究还讨论了如何教育学生积极和明智地使用社交媒体的看法。



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引述 Web of Science

Hu, Jie; Yu, Rushi; . The effects of ICT-based social media on adolescents' digital reading performance: A longitudinal study of PISA 2009, PISA 2012, PISA 2015 and PISA 2018 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, 2021.


Torres, BD; Rodriguez, AP and Diaz, RC. Credibility of Social Media and Ethical Implications for Young People REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL, 2021.



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Suarez-Perdomo, A; Ruiz-Alfonso, Z and Garces-Delgado, Y. Profiles of undergraduates' networks addiction: Difference in academic procrastination and performance Computers and Education, 2022.


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Unal, Y; Sencan, I and Kurbanoglu, S. News Consumption and Sharing Behaviors of Undergraduate Students in Turkey in the Post-Truth Era TURKISH LIBRARIANSHIP, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Kong, Q., Lai-Ku, D.K.-Y., Deng, D.L., Yan-Au, A.-C. . Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news | [Motivación y percepción de los universitarios de Hong Kong sobre noticias en las redes sociales]), Comunicar, .


Hu, J., Yu, R. . The effects of ICT-based social media on adolescents' digital reading performance: A longitudinal study of PISA 2009, PISA 2012, PISA 2015 and PISA 2018), Computers and Education, .


Suárez-Perdomo, A., Ruiz-Delgado, Z., Garcés-Delgado, Y. . Profiles of undergraduates’ networks addiction: Difference in academic procrastination and performance), Computers and Education, .


Ramadania, R., Rosnani, T., Fauzan, R., Caisar Darma, D. . The Study of Perceived Risk and E-Service Convenience Towards Satisfaction and Trust of Online Academic Users in Indonesia), International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, .



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Torres, B.F., Rodríguez, A.P., Díaz, R.C. . The credibility of social media and ethical implications for young people | [Credibilidad e implicaciones éticas de las redes sociales para los jóvenes]), Revista Latina de Comunicacion Social, .


Suárez-Perdomo, A., Garcés-Delgado, Y., García-Álvarez, E., Ruiz-Alfonso, Z. . Psychometric properties of the Social Network Addiction Questionnaire (SNAQ) for undergraduates ), Revista Espanola de Pedagogia, .


引述 Google Scholar

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Kong, Q., Lai-Ku, K., Deng, L., & Yan-Au, A. (2021). Motivation and perception of Hong Kong university students about social media news. [Motivación y percepción de los universitarios de Hong Kong sobre noticias en las redes sociales]. Comunicar, 67, 35-45. https://doi.org/10.3916/C67-2021-03



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