
Television, TV viewer, silly box, programs.


The television is at the moment one of the biggest communication roads among people of a certain sociocultural context, independently of the ends of the talkative fact. In this document we express two ways to understand the television. The first, old way of conceiving the concept, as for the technical thing: the television is a complex machine, formed by many circuits and cables. The second, more current and chord with the times in that we live, is in the sense of how the contents are made that we perceive in our receivers. We will make a brief historical journey, going from the beginnings (W/B television, elements that conform the apparatus and so on) to conclude with the incidence of the TV in the society. Finally we will elaborate a series of recommendations so that we could be intelligent television consumers. At least a little more than what we are now.


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Rodríguez-Vázquez, F., & Ruiz-Trujillo, A. (2005). Television: silly box or magical box?. [La televisión: ¿caja tonta o caja mágica?]. Comunicar, 25.



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