Ключевые слова
Media literacy, media education, ecosystem, Generation Y, literacy, policy, media policy
This research article proposes a systematic way to disseminate media literacy education in Thailand, based on the UNESCO’s media and information literacy competencies. A media literacy learning schema was constructed using a mixed-method research before it was verified for efficacy and practicality by the in-depth interviews of media literacy experts. The interview data resulted in “the Ecosystem of Media Literacy” as a holistic and systematic approach to disseminate media literacy education. The Ecosystem of Media Literacy posits that the learning schema works in an environment that supports media literacy, with each component operating interdependently and in parallel with each other. It consists of the Media Literacy Learning Schema (Learners, Facilitators, Curriculum, and Pedagogy), the Society (Community, Civic Sectors, Media, and Parents), and the Policy. It is believed that using the Ecosystem model can lead to a behavior change among learners, the ultimate goal of education. In other words, media literacy will become a way of life. The Interview data also resulted in a new finding that Thailand’s media literacy components should consist of access, analyze and evaluate, reflect, and create, instead of access, evaluate, and create that the country has been using as a framework for over a decade. The findings of this research are applicable to other cultures with different groups of learners, with minor adaptations that can serve as a provisional policy guideline.
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Получила: 23-10-2015
пересмотренный: 22-12-2015
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OnlineFirst: 15-07-2016
Дата публикации: 01-10-2016
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Nupairoj, N. (2016). The ecosystem of media literacy: A holistic approach to media education. [El ecosistema de la alfabetización mediática: Un enfoque integral y sistemático para divulgar la educomunicación]. Comunicar, 49, 29-37. https://doi.org/10.3916/C49-2016-03