Ключевые слова

Neuromarketing, marketing, market research, efficiency, advertising, commercial, memory, emotion


Since the last century, we have witnessed a steady evolution of advertising techniques in an effort to adapt to the new social context in the market. As a strategic resource, Neuroscience brings a new perspective by allowing you to explore those difficult or verbally unconscious motives behind consumer behaviours. The present work aims to discover the relationship between the emotions induced in audiovisual advertising messages and their impact on the memory of the subjects. To achieve this goal, an experiment was carried out with eight audiovisual advertising messages (six representatives of the basic emotions: joy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness, and two rational ones that show the technical specifications of the product). Neuromarketing techniques such as the electrical activity of the heart (ECG) and the electrodermal activity (EDA) of the subjects are used, on one hand; and, on the other, a conventional research technique, a questionnaire applied to the subjects that participated in the research. The results show variations in the measures performed in the commercials corresponding to joy, surprise and anger, while for both, remembrance of the message transmitted and activity of the advertiser, the commercial with the best results has been the one regarding sadness, advertisement that has also been considered the most attractive for participating subjects.


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Alsharif, A.H., Salleh, N.Z.M., Ahmad, W.A.B.W., Khraiwish, A. . Biomedical Technology in Studying Consumers’ Subconscious Behavior), International journal of online and biomedical engineering, .


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Как процитировать

Baraybar-Fernández, A., Baños-González, M., Barquero-Pérez, ., Goya-Esteban, R., & de-la-Morena-Gómez, A. (2017). Evaluation of emotional responses to television advertising through neuromarketing. [Evaluación de las respuestas emocionales a la publicidad televisiva desde el Neuromarketing]. Comunicar, 52, 19-28. https://doi.org/10.3916/C52-2017-02



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