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引述 Web of Science
Lopez Belmonte, Jesus; Pozo Sanchez, Santiago; Fuentes Cabrera, Arturo. Techno-pedagogical resources to support teaching: Augmented reality as a dynamic tool for the substitute teacher IJERI-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION, 2019.
Stojsic, Ivan; Ivkov-Dzigurski, Andelija; Maricic, Olja. The Readiness of Geography Teachers to use Mobile devices in the Context of Immersive Technologies Integration into the Teaching Process GEOGRAPHICA PANNONICA, 2019.
Jose Albert-Gomez, Maria; Jose Mudarra, Maria; Garcia-Perez, Maria. MDR Model: Contributions to the Motivation and Sociocultural Integration IEEE REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE TECNOLOGIAS DEL APRENDIZAJE-IEEE RITA, 2019.
Quintero, Jairo; Baldiris, Silvia; Rubira, Rainer; Ceron, Jhoni; Velez, Gloria. Augmented Reality in Educational Inclusion. A Systematic Review on the Last Decade FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 2019.
Rodriguez Jimenez, Carmen; Sanz Prieto, Mariano; Alonso Garcia, Santiago. Technology and Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2019.
Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Pozo-Sanchez, Santiago; Fuentes-Cabrera, Arturo; Trujillo-Torres, Juan-Manuel; . Analytical Competences of Teachers in Big Data in the Era of Digitalized Learning EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2019.
Lopez Belmonte, Jesus; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Lopez Nunez, Juan Antonio; Pozo Sanchez, Santiago; . Analysis of the Productive, Structural, and Dynamic Development of Augmented Reality in Higher Education Research on the Web of Science EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH REVIEW, 2019.
Coppari, N and Bagnoli, L. Teacher's Digital Literacy: Theoretical Analysis and Evaluation Proposal EUREKA-REVISTA CIENTIFICA DE PSICOLOGIA, 2020.
Fombona Cadavieco, Javier; Pascual Sevillano, Maria A.; Vazquez-Cano, Esteban;. M-Learning in initial levels, didactic features of educational APPS CAMPUS VIRTUALES , 2020.
Botero-Gomez, V; Ruiz-Herrera, LG; (...); Garnique, JCV. Use of Virtual Tools in Teaching-Learning Processes: Advancements and Future Direction SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2023.
Spante, Maria; Hashemi, Sylvana Sofkova; Lundin, Mona; Algers, Anne. Digital competence and digital literacy in higher education research: Systematic review of concept use COGENT EDUCATION, 2018.
Marin-Diaz, Veronica; Cabero-Almenara, Julio; Manuel Gallego-Perez, Oscar. Motivation and augmented reality: students as consumers and producers of learning objects AULA ABIERTA, 2018.
Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Rocsana; Bucea-Manea-Tonis, Radu; Simion, Violeta Elena;. Sustainability in Higher Education: The Relationship between Work-Life Balance and XR E-Learning Facilities SUSTAINABILITY , 2020.
Lopez Belmonte, Jesus; Pozo Sanchez, Santiago; Fuentes Cabrera, Arturo;. The level of digital competence in education professionals: The case of Spanish physical education teachers ZONA PROXIMA , 2020.
Calabuig-Moreno, Ferran; Huertas Gonzalez-Serrano, Maria; Fombona, Javier;. The Emergence of Technology in Physical Education: A General Bibliometric Analysis with a Focus on Virtual and Augmented Reality SUSTAINABILITY , 2020.
Diaz-Lopez, Lourdes; Tarango, Javier; Refugio Romo-Gonzalez, Jose; . Virtual Reality in learning processes in university students: motivation and interest to awaken scientific vocations CUADERNOS DE DOCUMENTACION MULTIMEDIA, 2020.
Moreno Guerrero, Antonio Jose; Rodriguez Jimenez, Carmen; Ramos Navas-Parejo, Magdalena; Maria Sola, Jose; . Secondary Education students' interest and motivation towards using Aurasma in Physical Education classes RETOS-NUEVAS TENDENCIAS EN EDUCACION FISICA DEPORTE Y RECREACION, 2020.
Gybas, Vojtech; Kostolanyova, Katerina; Klubal, Libor;. Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Pupils With Special Educational Needs PROCEEDINGS OF THE 18TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING (ECEL 2019) , 2019.
Lopez-Belmonte, Jesus; Moreno-Guerrero, Antonio-Jose; Lopez-Nunez, Juan-Antonio; Hinojo-Lucena, Francisco-Javier; . Augmented reality in education. A scientific mapping in Web of Science Información tecnológica, 2000.
Aso, B; Navarro-Neri, I; (...); Rivero, P. Quality Requirements for Implementing Augmented Reality in Heritage Spaces: Teachers' Perspective EDUCATION SCIENCES, 2021.
Valencia, EM; Rivas, ES; (...); Valenzuela, TL. A review of the research literature published through the Scopus and WoS databases regarding virtual reality in the period between 2016 and 2020 EDMETIC, 2021.
Fombona-Pascual, A; Fombona, J and Vicente, R. Augmented Reality, a Review of a Way to Represent and Manipulate 3D Chemical Structures JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING, 2022.
Fombona-Pascual, A; Fombona, J and Vazquez-Cano, E. VR in chemistry, a review of scientific research on advanced atomic/molecular visualization CHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 2022.
Khodabandelou, R; Fathi, M; (...); Fakhraie, MR. A comprehensive analysis of the 21st century's research trends in English Mobile Learning: a bibliographic review of the literature INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY, 2022.
Kandasamy, G; Bettany-Saltikov, J; (...); McSherry, R. Use of vision-based augmented reality to improve student learning of the spine and spinal deformities. An exploratory study SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY, 2021.
Criollo, S; Guerrero-Arias, A; (...); Lujan-Mora, S. Mobile Learning Technologies for Education: Benefits and Pending Issues APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, 2021.
Taborda, SLT; Casillas-Martin, S and Gonzalez, MC. M-learning plus ARD for problem-based learning: a work-life readiness strategy Virtual laboratory for business practices TEEM'21: NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEMS FOR ENHANCING MULTICULTURALITY, 2021.
Chiappe-Laverde, A and Paz-Balanta, GA. M-learning: Connecting Teaching and Learning Inside and Outside of School MAGIS-REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACION EN EDUCACION, 2021.
Nela, BTM; Santiago, PTP; (...); Belen, MJM. Emerging Technologies and Augmented Reality in the Development of Learning and Human Potential INTERNET OF THINGS, INFRASTRUCTURES AND MOBILE APPLICATIONS, 2021.
Agrawal, R and Pillai, JS. Augmented Reality Application in Vocational Education: A Case of Welding Training ISS '20 COMPANION: COMPANION PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2020 CONFERENCE ON INTERACTIVE SURFACES AND SPACES, 2020.
Criollo-C, S; Altamirano-Suarez, E; (...); Lujan-Mora, S. Sustainable Teaching and Learning through a Mobile Application: A Case Study Sustainability, 2022.
Gybas, V; Klubal, L and Kostolanyova, K. Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Students with Mental Disabilities INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM-2018), 2019.
引述 Scopus
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Gómez-García, G., Rodríguez-Jiménez, C., Ramos-Navas-Parejo, M.. Virtual reality in physical education area [La realidad virtual en el área de educación física]), Journal of Sport, Health Research, .
Gybas, V., Kostolányová, K., Klubal, L. . Using augmented reality for teaching pupils with special educational needs), Journal of Sport and Health Research, .
Gybas, V., Klubal, L., Kostolányová, K.. Using augmented reality for teaching students with mental disabilities), AIP Conference Proceedings, .
Albert-Gomez, M.J., Mudarra, M.J., Garcia-Perez, M.. MDR Model: Contributions to the Motivation, Sociocultural Integration), Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, .
López-Belmonte, J., Pozo-Sánchez, S., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., Trujillo-Torres, J.-M.. Analytical competences of teachers in big data in the era of digitalized learning), Education Sciences, .
Jiménez, C.R., Prieto, M.S., García, S.A.. Technology, higher education: A bibliometric analysis), Education Sciences, .
Belmonte, J.L., Moreno-Guerrero, A.-J., Núñez, J.A.L., Sánchez, S.P. . Analysis of the productive, structural, and dynamic development of augmented reality in higher education research on the web of science), Applied Sciences (Switzerland), .
Guerrero, A.J.M., Rodríguez Jiménez, C., Navas-Parejo, M.R., Reche, J.M.S. . Secondary Education students' interest and motivation towards using Aurasma in Physical Education classes | [Interés y motivación del estudiantado de Educación Secundaria en el uso de Aurasma en el aula de Educación Física]), Retos, .
Cadavieco, J.F., Pascual Sevillano, M.A., Vázquez-Cano, E. . M-Learning in initial levels, didactic features of educational APPS | [M-Learning en niveles iniciales, rasgos didácticos de las APPS educativas]), Campus Virtuales, .
Calabuig-Moreno, F., González-Serrano, M.H., Fombona, J., García-Tascón, M. . The emergence of technology in physical education: A general bibliometric analysis with a focus on virtual and augmented reality), Sustainability (Switzerland), .
Stojšić, I., Ivkov-Džigurski, A., Marĭić, O.. The readiness of geography teachers to use mobile devices in the context of immersive technologies integration into the teaching process), Geographica Pannonica, .
Quintero, J., Baldiris, S., Rubira, R., Cerón, J., Velez, G.. Augmented reality in educational inclusion. A systematic review on the last decade), Frontiers in Psychology, .
López, G.C., Chacón, F.G., Valle, R.R.D.. M-learning as a working tool in the teaching of English at the Medical University [El aprendizaje móvil como herramienta de trabajo en la enseñanza de inglés en la Universidad Médica]), Revista Habanera de Ciencias Medicas, .
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Spante, M., Hashemi, S.S., Lundin, M., Algers, A.. Digital competence, digital literacy in higher education research: Systematic review of concept use), Cogent Education, .
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Agrawal, R., Pillai, J.S. . Augmented Reality Application in Vocational Education: A Case of Welding Training), Sustainability (Switzerland), .
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Chiappe-Laverde, A., Paz-Balanta, G.A. . M-learning: Connecting teaching and learning inside and outside of school | [M-learning: Conectando enseñanza y aprendizaje dentro y fuera de la escuela]), Magis, .
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Khodabandelou, R., Fathi, M., Amerian, M., Fakhraie, M.R.. A comprehensive analysis of the 21st century's research trends in English Mobile Learning: a bibliographic review of the literature), International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, .
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引述 Google Scholar
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Morales Torres, C. (2017). Análisis exploratorio de los videoblogs y sus posibilidades como recurso educomunicativo (Doctoral dissertation, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía).
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Carreras López, G., Gamallo Chacón, F., & Díaz Valle, R. R. (2018). El aprendizaje móvil como herramienta de trabajo en la enseñanza de inglés en la Universidad Médica. Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas, 17(6), 995-1004.
Spante, M., Hashemi, S. S., Lundin, M., & Algers, A. (2018). Digital competence and digital literacy in higher education research: Systematic review of concept use. Cogent Education, 5(1), 1519143.
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Marín-Díaz, V., Cabero-Almenara, J., & Gallego-Pérez, O. M. (2018). Motivación y realidad aumentada: Alumnos como consumidores y productores de objetos de aprendizaje. Motivation and augmented reality: Students as consumers and producers of learning objects. Aula Abierta, 47(3), 337-346.
Belmonte, J. L., Sánchez, S. P., Cevallos, M. B. M., & Meneses, E. L. (2019). Competencia digital de futuros docentes para efectuar un proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje mediante realidad virtual. Edutec. Revista Electrónica De Tecnología Educativa, (67), 1-15.
Díaz, V. M., Almenara, J. C., & Pérez, O. M. G. (2018). Motivación y realidad aumentada: Alumnos como consumidores y productores de objetos de aprendizaje. Motivation and augmented reality: Students as consumers and producers of learning objects. Aula abierta, 47(3), 337-346.
Iglesias-Rodríguez, A., & Pérez-Escoda, A. (2017, October). A world of digital competences: mobile apps, e-citizenship and computational systems as learning tools. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (p. 62). ACM.
López-Belmonte, J., Pozo-Sánchez, S., Fuentes-Cabrera, A., & Trujillo-Torres, J. M. (2019). Analytical competences of teachers in big data in the era of digitalized learning. Education Sciences, 9(3), 177.
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López Belmonte, J., Moreno-Guerrero, A. J., López Núñez, J. A., & Pozo Sánchez, S. (2019). Analysis of the Productive, Structural, and Dynamic Development of Augmented Reality in Higher Education Research on the Web of Science. Applied Sciences, 9(24), 5306.
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Gómez-García, G., Rodríguez-Jiménez, C., & Ramos-Navas-Parejo, M. (2019). LA REALIDAD VIRTUAL EN EL ÁREA DE EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA. Journal of Sport & Health Research, 11.
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Carreras López, G., Gamallo Chacón, F., & Díaz Valle, R. R. (2018). M-learning as a working tool in the teaching of English at the Medical University. Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas, 17(6), 995-1004.
Gybas, V., Kostolányová, K., & Klubal, L. (2019, November). Using Augmented Reality for Teaching Pupils With Special Educational Needs. In ECEL 2019 18th European Conference on e-Learning (p. 185). Academic Conferences and publishing limited.
Gybas, V., Klubal, L., & Kostolányová, K. (2019, July). Using augmented reality for teaching students with mental disabilities. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2116, No. 1, p. 060015). AIP Publishing LLC.
Aladwan, F., Al-Shboul, M., & Halalsheh, N. Z. Mobile Learning: The Future of e-Learning in the Educational Environment.
Stojšić, I., Ivkov-Džigurski, A., & Maričić, O. (2019). The readiness of geography teachers to use mobile devices in the context of immersive technologies integration into the teaching process. Geographica Pannonica, 23(2), 122-134.
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